Hi Bernd/All,

Had a spell out observing just before midight and also only saw two 
Persieds...clouding up now ready for the rain forecast for tomorrow...so not 
worth staying up for here in the UK methinks.


Graham Ensor
---- bernd.pa...@paulinet.de wrote: 
> Jan writes: "So far only saw 2 Perseids in one hour."
> So you are among the lucky ones! No Perseids here so far :-(
> It is cloudy but I caught a hole in the clouds and was able to
> see the Summer Triangle, Hercules (Keystone), the Big Dipper,
> and, of course the last quarter Moon, ... but no Perseids :-(
> > Guess it's not too much firework so far
> A possible surge in activity is expected for 08-09 hrs UT, which translates
> into 10-11 hrs MESZ, so, no big deal tonight / tmorrow morning for us here
> in Europe.
> Best from cloudy
> Southern Germany,
> Bernd
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