        What you seem to miss in this (besides grammar)
Is that once ANYONE bids on an auction, the seller is taking
The meteorite from them their your own purpose - it is illegal
In all states in terms of auction laws. Furthermore, eBay does
NOT allow any auction to be canceled, "because I got a better
           The fact that you cannot grasp the implications of this
is enough to make the vast majority of people feel you cannot be
Trusted, because you could screw them and not even
Understand that you are screwing them.
        You have taken a stance that everyone who gives
You feedback is doing so because THEY have the problem.
        Once again, this makes it impossible for people to
Trust you. 
        This is most unfortunate.
        Best wishes  (truly) Michael

On 8/21/09 10:10 AM, "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!"
<> wrote:

> There was no scamming or frauding. here It was only trade that mike johnson
> and me made.We had been talking about this for a few weeks and it finally
> beared fruit.I traded the piece to him,and in turn I am getting some great
> pieces.It just continues to amaze me of all the wasted bandwidth that is
> wasted on all this.Lets just do meteorites on this list and stop all the
>  crap.These personal attacks is old and not called for.Also I am not a member
> of the imca.Have a nice day all and this will be all I say on this.
>  Steve R. Arnold, Chicago!!
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