The key words here are "unless interefered with". That is like saying "all things being equal". They never are! Let's say an object is approaching our little sub spiral armlet, from the main spiral arm of the Milky Way. Or, if you want to keep it within the Local Neighborhood, it's coming from the outer reaches of the Oort Cloud. Gosh, I can't think of one single thing that would interfere with it's motion! It's a complete and total vacuum all the way, no solar wind, no gravitational effects from Jupiter, etc. NOT! Of course something is going to interfere with it. Maybe under an ideal set of circumstances that statement is true. But practically speaking, I believe something could quite possibly cause intereference.

Phil Whitmer

Phil, List,

You don't need Brownian motion of any kind.
"An object, set in motion, remains in uniform
motion unless interfered with." Some guy named
Newton said that.

You need to read up some. I said that.

Sterling K. Webb

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