And in case you didn't check the met-bull, the Bunburra Rockhole
meteorite has been classified as a typical Eucrite.
He stated that said meteorite is not from Vesta, but Eucrites are
widely accepted to have come from Vesta.
I suppose we don't have solid proof of that yet, but it is generally
accepted to be true, based on reflected light analyses.
Go figure.

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Michael Fowler <> wrote:
>> And I think it might be interesting to note this article, where Dr.
>> Philip Bland can be quoted as stating that Eucrites are not, in fact,
>> from Vesta.
>> Go figure.
>> Regards,
>> Jason
> Jason,
> You were a little bit hasty or misleading in your summarizing of Dr Bland.
> see quote below from the article you cited.  (and to think that we are
> always criticizing reporters for getting it wrong!)
> Mike Fowler
> Chicago
> ""Dr Bland says most basalt meteorites, like the one found in the Nullarbor,
> originate from a large asteroid called Vesta but the Bunburra Rockhole
> meteorite is different.
> "Our little guy can't be from Vesta, the composition is all wrong," he
> said.""
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