I agree, at least in part.

Panspermia may not be the motivation to explore Europa and in truth, a decent 
sub-surface examination of that world will require a far greater commitment 
than $4Bn.
The NEO programme needs a far greater commitment, as does any programme to 
counter such a threat that an NEO amy pose.

I suppose it's all a question of budget. I am angry at the money put in to 
shoring up the banks that have put our economy on the verge of collapse, 
particularly since they seem unrepentant and want to use the money we have 
gifted them to return to earning more of the fat earnings they got before the 

The thought that the Constellation programme risks being shelved because of the 
recent problems is abhorent. And in the UK we look at a terrible situation for 
much of our future at the mercy of commerce.

As a child, I'd hoped that mankind would begin colonising the Solar System. 
Thanks to recent events, I look like having ALL my dreams for the future of 
humanity crushed. Not just for my lifetime but for the 2-3 generations to 
follow me. All because of the greed of a handful of people who don't realise 
that a single rock from space could wipe out everything they or their progeny 
could have.
And we seem powerless to do anything about it.

In 100Ma, some species will be wondering how we managed to end up extinct.

Rob McC

--- On Tue, 9/22/09, E.P. Grondine <epgrond...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: E.P. Grondine <epgrond...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Idle speculation on panspermia
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 12:30 AM
> Hi all - 
> One of the reasons why panspermia etc. play such a role in
> debate regards 
> some peoples' obsessions with manned flight to Mars, and
> the problem of back-contamination. 
> Bottom line: we don't know. Other bottom line: it's not all
> that important to know right now.
> I read with frustration and anger reports of NASA proposing
> to spend $4 billion on the question of life on Europa, while
> spending as near $0 as they can get away with on finding the
> next piece of space crud headed our way.
> Could someone fire Weiler now? Tomorrow morning?
> E.P.
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