Good evening Folks,

I'd like to sincerely  echo the sentiments of both Rob and Richard.  In the 
several transactions,  and many communications I've had with Eric Twelker 
over the years, I've  found him to be the honest, and informative meteorite 
expert/dealer that helps  makes our hobby/vocation/avocation such a joy.

Best regards,

Paul  Martyn
Savannah, GA

In a message dated 2009/09/21 7:48:29 P.M. Eastern  Daylight Time, writes:
I too, have nothing but good  things to say about Eric. When I first got 
into meteorites, I bought a lunar  (DaG400) and a martian (SaU008) from him.
These are both major outlays for a  noob and I(partly due to dyslexia) 
entered his paypal address incorrectly. He  was patient, understanding, 
communicative and ultimately I got it right and got  my samples in first rate 
He's helped me in other ways too  regarding our passion since then, too.
If I ever make it to Alaska, I'd love  to meet up with him and buy him a 
He's a top bloke and while we're in  the good-will mode, I'd like to thank 
him for everything he's done for me and my  attempts to forward meteorites 
to kids in Scotland.
He's held in the highest  regard in the UK.

Rob McC
--- On Mon, 9/21/09, Richard Kowalski  <> wrote:

> From: Richard Kowalski  <>
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Credit where credit  is more than due
> To: "meteorite list"  <>
> Date: Monday, September 21,  2009, 11:56 PM
> I know that most businesses never
> hear anything  but complaints, and I've expressed my share on
> this list too.
> I just want to let everyone know of a dealer going above
> and  beyond, WAY above, and offer some praise here instead of
>  complaint.
> I ordered a small slice of Gujba, just a couple of  grams,
> for my type set from Eric Twelker a short while ago. When  it
> hadn't arrived, I inquired if it had been sent and when,
> just  to make sure it hadn't gotten lost in the mail. He
> responded quickly  that he was away but would check on it as
> soon as he returned home.  Finding he had made a mistake, he
> apologized that he hadn't yet sent it  and said it'd be on
> its way that day. That was on Saturday.
> I just went out to the mailbox to find my slice already
>  delivered with $21+ postage on the envelope! I'm still
> shocked. Totally  unexpected and in my case, unnecessary. He
> could have sent it via normal  1st class mail and I would
> have been happy with that, but he made the  extra effort and
> loss of profit to make a very small mistake in mind  very
> much more than right.
> Eric's website
> --
>  Richard Kowalski
> IMCA  #1081
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