Hi List,

Regarding watchers. They're worthless...

Not the person mind you, but the fact that they are nothing more than a number in the "My Ebay" section, they mean nothing to the seller and provide no benefit at all other than to let the seller know they aren't buying.

The only time a watcher becomes worth anything to the seller is when they buy. Did you know that a seller cannot contact a watcher? This is ok I guess, but it seems silly to me that Ebay does not allow sellers to contact watchers. There have been countless times I've had 10-20 watchers on an item and would have loved to have the chance to contact any one of those members to offer them a deal or ask "WHY" they are not buying at that moment.

It's rather frustrating in my opinion and I liken it to a looky-loo walking into my brick and mortar store. Ebay basically says that people can come in, and look around and even place an item in their watch list, but you can't talk to them. Being able to talk to a potential customer is crucial and could add ultimately to Ebay's bottom line through final value fees through increased sales for sellers.

Ebay is supposed to be smart right? So why the hell don't they allow you to contact watchers? It's not about security... If Ebay allowed it, sellers "could" contact watchers anonymously without Ebay ever having to release a buyers contact information if they do it through Ebay's contact buyer form within the My Ebay section. No personal information is given out, and the buyer is given another opportunity to buy. Ebay gets the final value fee, sellers get the sale and buyers get a deal! Win, Win, Win all round!

I've been selling on Ebay for over 10 years. I've sold thousands upon thousands of items as have many sellers, and over the years I've noticed as other sellers can attest that Ebay has become more and more biased against sellers and give obvious favor to the buyer. So much so that Ebay is truly "Hell for sellers & a haven for buyers." Don't believe me? Try selling 25-100 items on Ebay and you'll see the fees are outrageous and the rules are ever tightening. The new rules that forbid sellers from being able to leave negative feedback for buyers, constantly increasing fees, and worse, the blatant conflict of interest of Ebay owning it's own payment gateway Paypal is unfair and idiotic and should be illegal. Not to mention forcing sellers who don't have their own merchant account to use Paypal for their ONLY payment method... Did you know that sellers are not allowed to accept Money Orders or Personal checks any more, period? Ebay claims this is for security and fraud prevention, but when you realize that they own Paypal, and by forcing all payments through Paypal they make 10's of millions of dollars per year because of this. Not to mention the increased payment processing fees to sellers! Sellers have no power over this other than to get their own merchant account (which we do have) but we're still not allowed to accept money orders or personal checks.

Anyway, that's enough of my Ebay rant, there's way more things that most buyers NEVER realize or know about from a sellers point of view but not really the subject of this forum.

Ebay is screwing themselves over, and eventually their will be a competitor that will start snagging their market share.

They are ripe for it...


Mike Miller wrote:
I have always thought that the item is being watched while the
potential buyer tries to talk his or her spouse into the purchase.

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Greg Catterton
<star_wars_collec...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Watchers are funny. I have some items with up to 12 watchers, but no buyers.

Greg C.

--- On Sun, 9/27/09, Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritem...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritem...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD... Time to get back to work
To: "Mexicodoug" <mexicod...@aim.com>
Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com, nwa...@comcast.net
Date: Sunday, September 27, 2009, 2:37 PM
Hi Jim, Doug and List,

eBay is a fickle mistress.

I have heard one well-known dealer describe eBay as "a hell
sellers and a heaven for buyers."

I've been selling collectibles on eBay for about 10 years -
since the
days before PayPal (remember BillPoint?) and the behavior
of other
eBay members has always confused me.  I try to make
sense of the whims
of the market and just when I think I have it figured out,
the bidders
(or the sellers) throw me a new curveball.

I concur with Doug's conclusions about watching a cheap BIN
There are many reasons behind this phenomena - some
financial and some
that are quirky at best.

I have a cheap $10 USB Wi-Fi dongle on watch right
now.  Why?  Well,
it's a little complicated, but here goes - I have a
backburner project
right now that involves building a "Wok-Fi" parabolic
amplifier to
boost my wireless internet reception.  I discovered
this need for this
while staying at a rental beach cottage whose promised
"high speed
internet connection" was slower than dialup and more
sporadic than
Robert Downey Jr.  The project requires a few
ingredients - a
parabolic dish (or facsimile there-of), a USB Wi-Fi dongle,
and a USB
extension cable.  I searched the web to find a
suitable dongle (hold
your jokes) and found this one on eBay.  I am not
ready to buy it yet,
because I don't have the other parts rounded up yet.
My wife's
birthday (and our wedding anniversary) are both next week,
so I am in
a cash pinch at the moment.  I put the dongle on
watch, so I can go
back and easily find it in a couple of weeks when I am
ready to
assemble the amplifier.  Why don't I just BIN because
it's only $10?
Because, as sad as it sounds, $10 makes a difference to me
right now -
money is that tight.

But, I do have to agree that if money is no object, then it
little sense to put a BIN item on a watch list.
Either use the BIN or
move on to something else.  But, who is to say what
motivates each

Best regards and clear skies,


On 9/27/09, Mexicodoug <mexicod...@aim.com>
"I have a question that has puzzled me for some
time....... On a cheap
item, $20- buy it now, why would anyone bother to
watch it? "
Hello Jim !

Maybe the IRS.

$20 is more money than 2/3 's of the current eBay
prices in the
collectibles category.

Maybe they debate between (grocery shopping and
cooking a romantic home
cooked steak dinner for two), or (some old rock or
40-kopeck (USD
$0.01) postage stamp).... so they put it on a watch
list so it doesn't
get lost.

Or maybe long on bids and with a fixed perk budget.
Losing other
auctions, he would pounce on the $20 thingy.

Maybe she is 11 years old and $20 is her week's
allowance and she is
waiting for her "paycheck". Or ditto, retired, fixed
income, unemployed.
Do you happen to have several of the same items for
$20? Maybe one of
your competitors thinks $10 has been the standard for
whatever the item
is, and he may be thinking, let's see how quickly Jim
sells these at
$20 !

My money is on the latter,

Kindest wishes,

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Strope <nwa...@comcast.net>
To: Meteorite Central <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 11:51 am
Subject: [meteorite-list] AD... Time to get back to

After playing all summer, I find that I must get back
to work. So I
started listing on ebay again. All items so far are
buy it now listings
some of them accepting reasonable offers. Noteable
items are a complete
Portales Valley Stone, nice Esquel slices, complete
Planetaries etc, Link is below:


I have a question that has puzzled me for some
time....... On a cheap
$20- buy it now, why would anyone bother to watch it?
It is only $20-
and not
an auction where you would want to know where it ended
or wanted to bid
at the
last minuite? What is the logic behind cluttering your
watched item
list with
this kind of cheap item?

Good luck to all as I have some exceptional items
offered and plan on
more in the next few days.

Jim Strope

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