Hello Rubin,

 Congrats on the find! That's got to have been quite a rush. Can't wait to see 
what the final classification turns out to be.  Good luck.

Best wishes,
Robert Woolard

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 5, 2009, at 3:15 PM, Ruben Garcia <mrmeteor...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

On September 24, 2009 I made (what I think will be) one of the most
important Arizona meteorite finds of my life. I found what is probably
a very rare achondrite meteorite. I say probably because no one can
definitively say what type it is just by looking. It is currently
being classified at ASU by Lawrence Garvie – so we will soon know.

Here is a link

This past weekend – in an attempt to find more - I put together a team
of top notch meteorite hunters (Mike Miller, Sonny Clary, Stan Wall,
Del Waterbury, Mike Morgan and Myself). Unfortunately, between the
rains and mud we came up empty.

After checking the weather (online) with a very helpful Susan Morrison
we decided that in order to get out of the rain we needed to head
east. Within a sort time we found ourselves in an area in New Mexico
where no finds have been recorded.

We hunted for an hour or two when I spotted Mike Morgan and Del
examining a stone. Sure enough Del had found his first cold find and
it was a very fresh looking meteorite! Mike Morgan was next to find
one and then shortly after I did too.

We think this may prove to be a “NEW” and very fresh New Mexico Strewn
field. Time will tell as we return to hunt for more of these
beautifully crusted specimens in the weeks to come.

Take a look

Ruben Garcia
Phoenix, Arizona
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