I think I never seen so low prices the day before one of my auction ends.

quick link here:

Some extremely rare meteorites this time, only one available so this is
your only chance (at least from me): Hinojal, Chajari, Palca de Aparzo,
Nogoya, Cuenca del Tiburon, Cat Mountain. 

Last month there was a discussion about Kem Kem. 
One of the specimens in the auction is Kem Kem 15. Michael Casper realized
that this one was different than other Kem Kem and put a different name on
it. Less than 30 Kem Kem meteorites were labelled with a number and most
of them are gone, so if you want have a specimen go ahead and bid, is a
47g specimen cut by half so ready to be studied and is still at $0.99!. 

One more hint to make a good buy here. One of the auctions that did not
start at $0.99 was mistakenly priced, next time will be 50% more
expensive. I will not say which one. Just find the bargain and get it.

If you just want to see the photos, go ahead, and if you want to bid on
any of them great!.

IMCA 0645

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