I'll be out hunting in the Grimsby area tomorrow and then again over
the weekend.
Thanks for all your updates and pics.


On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:30 PM, Mike Bandli <fuzzf...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hello all
> Writing now from Buffalo, New York. Grimsby is in the books for Mike and me
> but some of the local scientists and collectors will soldier on and we wish
> them all the best.
> Today was part hunting and part "to do" list.
> We said our goodbyes to Dr's Hildebrand, McCausland, and Brown at the front
> desk of our hotel where we found the local paper handy will full color page
> one (and two) news covering the finds so far.
> Bandli and I set out to a local vineyard to search a few rows before we were
> met by Mike Farmer, Jim Stope and Patrick Herrmann. Light rain was on and
> off.
> We broke for lunch and set out our separate ways as Jim and Mike were headed
> to the airport and Patrick had to be home for another obligation.
> After lunch we went to the news office for more papers where showed off our
> stone and talked some more with the reporter who ended up hunting at the
> vineyard later that day. Next was the post office to send the stone to a
> contact in Canada while we decide what to do with it. Again, the folks at
> the counter were interested. Photos at the Grimsby sign were next followed
> by a few more hours of unsuccessful hunting.
> No finds were made by any teams as far as I know. The next few days are
> rain.
> We want to thank the people of Grimsby who were all exceedingly friendly and
> accommodating, especially the folks at Puddicombe Farms. We look forward to
> drinking the wine from the vineyard we are now all so familiar with.
> Until the next fall we can get to, may it come soon and to a town near all
> of us.
> Rob and Mike
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