Hello Listees,

Unfortunately there's been some trouble with uncool links on the Meteorite Wiki.

I'd like to apologize to everyone about the "bad links" on the site. Someone decided to be a jerk and post a bunch of not so cool links. I thought I had removed all the bad links from the site. Sorry guys... I guess it's something you have to deal with with an open community information site. If ANYONE sees anything questionable on the site, please send me the link to the page and I'll edit it accordingly. Just a warning to all the would be "bad link" posters, Don't even think about it! I will report anyone defacing the site under the Can-Spam act and you will answer to the law, this is NOT a threat, do NOT try me on this! This is my only warning to anyone who would try it. It will not be tolerated. Again, I apologize for any offense this may have inadvertently caused due to missing a few bad links in the edit.

Those of you who would like to come on board to help with the Meteorite Wiki I welcome you to contact me. I may have to pick out a few trusted moderators to help moderate the site as well.

Thanks for all your input, and enjoy the site.

The Meteorite Wiki: www.meteoritewiki.com

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

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