Pete Shugar on Oct. 30, 2009, asked:
"If I have the correct read on the hypothetical---- 
the moon would be only 200 ky old" 
Is this enough time for tidal action to 
bring the moon's rotation to a standstill" 
Just thinking......"


The trouble is, as other people have pointed out, your 
question points out just one of innumerable easily 
documentable flaws in the ideas presented in the press 
release reveal the utter lack of knowledge of geology, 
astronomy, physics, and so forth of whoever wrote it. 
This article disguised as a press release reminds me 
of the worst of the class papers that I had to read and 
grade as a teaching assistant in undergraduate physical 
geology laboratory.

Notice that Coleman's article about the "Big Bang 
Origin of the Moon" is not even an official article. 
Instead this article is just posted as a "press release" 
to as a press release at as:

Peter Coleman: Big Bang Origin Of The Moon
Wednesday, 28 October 2009, 4:39 pm
Press Release: Peter Coleman

As far as I have found googling, no newspaper has yet
been crazy enough to print this press release as real

My favorite line of evidence completely overlooked by 
whoever wrote this paper and various other catastrophists, 
who argue that the Moon is relatively young are ancient 
tidalites that demonstrate the presence of tides and, 
thus the Moon, as far back as 3.2 million years ago in 
the Precambrian.

Some web pages are:

Where the Moon was at, 3.2 billion years ago

Ancient Tides Recorded in Indiana Rocks by Erik P. Kvale

Tidal rhythmites and their implications by Rajat Mazumder
and Makoto Arima

An Analysis of Cyclic Tidal Deposits: Statistical Time Series 
Properties, Extraction of Earth-Moon Parameters, and Observed 
Intertidal Sedimentation by Christopher Lynn Coughenour

Implications of lunar orbital periodicity from the Chaibasa 
tidal rhythmite (India) of late Paleoproterozoic age by Rajat 

1997, Tidalites in Big Cottonwood Canyon, with Al Archer and 
Steve Greb, during Geological Society of America Salt Lake 
City Meeting

Some random references:

Adkins, R. M. and K. A. Eriksson, 1999, Rhythmic sedimentation 
in a mid-Pennsylvanian delta front succession, Four Corners 
Formation (Breathitt Group), eastern Kentucky: a near complete 
record of daily, semi-monthly and monthly tidal periodicities. 
in Tidalites: processes & products. Special publication no. 61. 
SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology). Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Alexander, C. R., R. A. Davis and V. J. Henry, eds., 1998, 
Tidalites: processes & products. Special publication no. 61. 
SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology). Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Archer, A. W., 1996. Reliability of lunar orbital periods 
extracted from ancient cyclic tidal rhythmites. Earth and 
Planetary Science Letters. vol. 141, pp. 1-10.

Archer, A. W., G. Kuecher, and E. P. Kvale, 1995. The role 
of tidal-velocity asymmetries in the deposition of silty 
tidal rhythmites (Carboniferous, Eastern Interior Coal Basin). 
Journal of Sedimentary Research. vol. A65, pp. 408-416.

Chan, M. A., E. P. Kvale, A. W. Archer, and C. P. Sonett, 
1994. Oldest direct evidence of lunar-solar tidal forcing 
encoded in sedimentary rhythmites, Proterozoic Big Cottonwood 
Formation, central Utah. Geology. vol. 22, pp. 791-794.

Coughenour, C. L., A. W. Archer, and K. J. Lacovara, 2009,
Tides, tidalites, and secular changes in the Earth-Moon 
system. Earth-Science Reviews, In Press, Corrected Proof, 
Available online 3 October 2009

Davis, R. A., 2006, Precambrian tidalites from the Baraboo 
Quartzite Wisconsin, U.S.A. Marine Geology. vol.╩235,╩no. 1-4,

Eriksson, K. A., 1977, Tidal deposits from the Archaean 
Moodies Group, Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa.╩ 
Sedimentary Geology. vol. 18, pp. 257-281.

Eriksson, K. A., 1982, Tidalites. in Encyclopaedia of 
Science & Technology. McGraw-Hill, New york.

Eriksson, K. A., and E. L. Simpson, 2000, Quantifying the 
oldest tidal record: The 3.2 Ga Moodies Group, Barberton 
Greenstone belt, South Africa. Geology. vol. 28, pp. 831-834 

Eriksson, K. A. and E. L. Simpson, 2004. Precambrian 
tidalites: recognition and significance. in The 
Precambrian Earth: Tempos and Events. Elsevier, New 

By the way:

This is a test of my email posting from a non-Yahoo ISP. Somehow,
the settings of the Yahoo email accounts changed in a way that
introduced HTML into an email even when it is set to "plain text."
Since I have not yet determined how to get rid of the HTML, I have
moved to an email account on a non-Yahoo ISP. If anyone knows
how to get rid of the HTML even in teh plain text setting, I would
love to hear from you.


Paul H.
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