Hey Mike & Co. ~

Way cool hunt! Already successful, and a week to go! Man, I do regret not going there with you guys!! The Eucrites, Vino, Spanish language...friends (finding eucrites, oh yah, drinking Vino...), way too cool!!! Hey..., Mel, Jim, Robert and Moritz (and others...), go out and find a larger stones!! :-)

Latest News...

We are working hard to preserve more of this extraordinary meteorite fall. When there is less than 500 grams known of such a rare fall, every gram preserved for posterity is absolutely crucial. The fact that it is the most beautiful meteorite I have ever seen, terms of crust, flow lines, shine, everything you could ever want in a Eucrite, really motivated us to come back to try again. Moritz and I made the decision to come back barely 10 days ago on the last day I was in Munich. Dima Sadilenko made the trip happen by buying a tiny fragment of Puerto Lapice that I had at the show, I was shocked that it did not sell until then so I said that I could not go to Spain unless someone bought that piece on Sunday and Dima did, so the trip was on. I told Robert Ward and Jim, who took all of a couple seconds each to join the expedition. My wife told me that unpleasant things would happen if she were left out of this one, after hearing 2 years ago about how nice hunting in Spain was. So the group grew and the hunt is on. Ward is hunting far out, trying to expand the strewnfield into the mountains, as it surely must go. When we showed up at the bar and hotel here, everyone knew us, and the bartender even told me how much he liked the Puerto Lapice photos on my website. He said that virtually no one had been here except just after we left. The landowner welcomed us back, said that one of his workers had found a small stone last year and sold it in Spain, but to his knowledge nothing else found.

We plan to change that (already did actually). I always regretted not rushing back to Spain last time, and working this for months, but that was the time of Cali and Carancas, which fell as I was sitting in this very same chair here in Puerto Lapice.

We will continue the hunt for another 5 days, then gotta go home and get ready for the Tokyo show.

Hi Michael,

Thank you for posting the Pic-O-Day.

Congratulations to Mike Farmer for his great eucrite find in Spain! Now I
wish I would have went with them when invited. Oh well, next time!

Keep up the good work, that terrain looks pretty rough and difficult to spot
small black stones between the rocks and shadows. I hope the rest of your
team finds some eucrites as well!!

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
gmhupe at htn.net
IMCA 3163
Click here for my current eBay auctions:

----- Original Message ----- From: <SPACEROCKSINC at aol.com>
To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 3:24 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - November




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Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163
Click here for my current eBay auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault

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