Well said, CD. 


IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what 
you're gonna get!

> Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 13:56:52 -0500
> From: countde...@earthlink.net
> To: carloselgua...@hotmail.com; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] WHY HELP A DUMB ASS NEWBIE?
> Or, what do "newbies" mean to the ongoing collection, classification, sale 
> and display of meteorites?
> I'm a "newbie". I haven't yet found a meteorite and apparently this is one of 
> the qualifiers to be a "real deal" meteorite hunter/collector. I don't have a 
> clue what other qualifiers are. What I have done, is sell my jet boat 10 
> months ago and spend thousands of dollars subscribing to magazines, 
> purchasing books and field guides, buying an zoom microscope, testing 
> equipment, chemicals, magnifying loupes and glasses, hand tools, a work 
> bench, lighting, a locking cabinet, neomydium magnets, a metal detector, 
> picks and shovels, back packs, desert hiking and camping clothing and 
> equipment, maps of strewn fields, a GPS device and I traded my Ford sedan for 
> a 4 wheel drive Jeep Cherokee.
> I found out about the LIST six months ago from a neighbor, Sonny Clary, (who 
> gave me my first meteorite and continues to give me others..) I began reading 
> every posting on the LIST. I set about to collect examples of the requiste 
> types of meteorites and tektites that you "real deals" write about. After 
> obtaining specimens of the three major classifications, I began "going for 
> the planetary rarities and the low tkw stuff". I've collected sixty examples, 
> as of today and maintain a list of future "have to haves".
> All of the above...I'll say it again...All..(except that Jeep)..was bought 
> from individuals and companies I found on on the "LIST".
> That's why "newbies" on the "LIST" should be treated respectfully and 
> encouraged to ask questions.
> Count Deiro
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: Carl 's 
>>Sent: Nov 14, 2009 10:04 AM
>>To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>>Subject: [meteorite-list] Beating a dead horse to Morocco
>>Hello Howard, All,
>>You are absolutely correct. We newbies should not ask knowledgeable veterans 
>>such basic questions. We must do the legwork ourselves but never reveal how 
>>we do it to achieve our goals if someone asks. Speaking for myself I would 
>>like to thank you, Howard, for all the wonderful and thought provoking topics 
>>about meteorites you have provided in the past. Did I mention you would be a 
>>great teacher?
>>For those not familiar with Howard's input, please type "Howard Steffic" in 
>>the search window.
>>Howard, you asked if anyone actually found a meteorite? Please start a thread 
>>about meteorites we can all talk seriously about. You know you can't rely on 
>>newbies to do anything right. Thanks for setting us, newbies, straight!
>>Howard wrote:
>>>...I laugh at how the "newbies" expect the veterans with the battle scars to 
>>them exacty how to .... Hunt Meteorites or Sell on Ebay or send money
>>overseas. Get off the couch and do your own legwork.
>>Now lets give this thread a proper burrial and get back to meteorites. Didn't
>>someone actually find something (like a meteorite not an alien) that we can
>>talk about?...
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