For those in Denver
Greg S.

Folks in the Mile High City think it's high time they rustled up a welcome 
party for ET, whenever the cute little varmint finally touches down.

Maybe it's something in the rarefied air or the famed Rocky Mountain water, but 
activist Jeff Peckman managed to gather the nearly 4,000 valid signatures to 
have Denver voters consider his plan for an Extraterrestrial Affairs 
Commission, the Los Angeles Times reported.

The new city panel would promote "harmonious, peaceful, mutually respectful and 
beneficial coexistence" between earthlings and extraterrestrials, in part by 
developing protocols for "diplomatic contact."

Its seven members would include an expert in taking testimony from people 
who've survived "direct personal close encounters" with aliens, the paper 

And in what has to be good news for space cadets beyond the city limits, the 
initiative says, "Members who are not Denver residents may participate from 
anywhere in the universe," the L.A. Times said.

Closer to home, Brown could see the dark side of Denver having a space alien 
agency. "If someone was looking to locate a business here, they'd think, 'What 
kind of city is this?' " he told the L.A. Times yesterday.

Brown also wondered whether Colorado should float such an oddball plan so soon 
after the "Balloon Boy" hoax that was hatched in Fort Collins.

"It's like saying you're going to have a ballot initiative about the existence 
of Bigfoot," Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine, told the L.A. 

But Peckman, 55, is plucky. He was bummed that President Obama hadn't revealed 
what the government knows about extraterrestrial beings, so he dreamed up the 
donation-funded commission to act as both an investigative body and an 
information clearinghouse -- a panel that would also display Denver's ability 
to "think big," the paper reported.

The self-described entrepreneur admitted his own experience with aliens is 
limited. He has spotted a UFO just once -- the day Michael Jackson died.

Peckman was standing downtown, chatting on a cell phone, when a green ball of 
light flashed by. "It didn't fizzle out like a meteorite. I just stood there 
awe-struck," he said. "The next morning, I read someone had seen a green ball 
of light over Neverland," the L.A. Times reported.

Whether Peckman or his city can make friends in other galaxies is up in the 
air, but some UFO groups wish his campaign would flame out.

The commission would duplicate existing programs and hobble attempts for ET 
hunters to be taken seriously, Mark Easter, a spokesman for MUFON, in Fort 
Collins, told the L.A. Times.

"God, this is really desperate to put something on the ballot," said Julie 
Shuster, executive director of the International UFO Museum and Research Center 
in Roswell, N.M.
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