Hi list,  The email embed program for  images leaves a lot to be desired.  
The images are coarse and with out  detail but when I send a full size 
image, few get through to all of you that  request them.  

The solution?  I used PhotoShop to reduce the  image from 4000 pixel wide 
to 1000.  It will go through as an attachment  and still be large enough to 
have the necessary detail.

I know I promised  many of you to just "send the stupid pictures already" 
but I tried using my  address book to  "Send All" and I had a huge list.  
Most recipients  would not be interested in a JaH 073 vein. 

Anyway,  The shot is at  700X of a vein in JaH 073.  In incident light!!!  
My favorite JaH 073  stuff that I think to of been formed in the presence of 
water (Only by  comparison to terrestrial rocks ((I don't have an SEM)) ).

I have been  working on a new Neophot adapter and this is getting just 
about where I like  it.  I have a ton more (and that's a lot considering they 
are digital) that  I will post to my galley in a week or so.

If you want a look, please  email me!

Also,  I just ordered my centimeter cube from  Jeff    
http://www.scalecubes.com/about.html    If  you haven't ordered yours already 
then mine will be 
a lower number than  yours!  How will you sleep with that?

Tom Phillips  

Meteorite-list mailing list

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