Sure does

From: "Randy Korotev" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 10:21 AM
To: <>
Subject: [meteorite-list] Libyan (looks like a) crater

Dear List:

I received this intriguing e-mail today from someone I don't know.


Dear Randy, I am a geophysicist and had a recent trip on Libyan desert for campaign of geophysical investigations, mostly GPR and Geoelectric tomography. Going back to the camp I found at sunset -due to low angle light- something strange on the flat desert surface.

I found a perfect circular crater with melt sand scattered around . sand grains are melt and embedding larger quartz grains. In my opinion that's a impact crater and sand is melt because of the heat wave. Larger grains had no time to melt .

That melt rock has a black matrix-nothing like that in the area, also there are no similar structures in that flat, flat flat desrt surface, sand is only silica and quartz grain and no dark matrix can be seen for kilometers.

I made a few geophysics on the spot and found big electric anomalies and very anomalous readings of Geoelectric values.

I took a few samples of melt rock -very heavy really.

I am posting a few photos of the crater.

I have another stone found at 2500 m on the bed of a melt glacier, same story, that's not a stone of the area, it is like a fuse, heavy and black inside with a very aerodynamic shape, I will mail you a photo ( after reading once more your recommendations) if interested . for sure not a human artifact or an original stone of the area.

Sorry to disturb,
I put the photos here:

The round thing in the desert looks something like a crater. Maybe it's a bomb crater. Maybe it's a meteorite impact crater. The rock doesn't look like samples of Libyan desert glass that I've seen. I don't know the LDG story well. Has there ever been a crater associated with the glass?

Randy Korotev
Saint Louis, MO

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