Jake, List,

I'd be careful about calling someone an armchair hunter. I made that mistake once... ;) LOL We all know how that turned out.

Yes I am very aware of the time meteorite hunters like Robert spend chasing fireballs and other possible meteorite falls. In addition There are MANY other hunters and many friends of mine that do take the time to get out there and hunt. Mike Miller, and Ruben Garcia are perfect examples. They've spent thousands and thousands of hours in the field and combined have found thousands of meteorites yet it's still rare to find one and not everyone has the luxury to get out there and hunt. Many people say mistakenly that "You got lucky!" or "You're so lucky to have found that meteorite." I'm sure many of you know that it isn't luck! Geoff Notkin and Steve Arnold are fortunate enough to get paid to do it, but they spent years hunting meteorites and pounding the ground to get where they are now. Mike Farmer, Greg and Adam Hupe, Sonny Clary, Jim Kriegh, Jim Smaller, and countless other professional meteorite hunters have spent combined probably tens of thousands of hours pounding the ground looking for meteorites. If you were to take the percentages of actual successful trips and combine them all into a statistic it would probably amount to less than 5% success rate when compared to all the time spent in the field.

I think everyone on this list understands and would agree that meteorites are hard to find and that not everyone has the luxury of time, or money to gt out there and hunt even though they may really want to and would give just about anything to do it.

Even though someone may be willing the may not be able due to certain family and financial responsibilities.


On 1/5/2010 12:11 PM, Jake Wayne wrote:
Hi Eric.....

I gather you keep up on these types of things considering the amount of time 
and effort you have put into your great websites.  Do you have any idea of the 
success rate of a hunter like Robert who will go just about anywhere to chase 
down a lead vs people who actually wait until a piece has been found or 

I would imagine that Robert's success rate would be low.  But at least he could 
be proud to know that he was willing to do the leg work and not sit on the sofa 
waiting for someone to do it for him.

Good Hunting to all willing to roll the dice.....

--- On Tue, 1/5/10, Meteorites USA<e...@meteoritesusa.com>  wrote:

From: Meteorites USA<e...@meteoritesusa.com>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Hole in Red Rock Lounge Roof Still a Mystery?????
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Date: Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 7:15 PM
Hi Gary, Matt,

Maybe you guys are simply being facetious or or skeptical.
Maybe Matt, you really didn't feel like it was worth it.
But, I believe it is worth it simply because it could have
be a meteorite! And though up to this point though none have
been found to prove that case, the evidence still suggests
it could be. I know if I could have afforded it I would go

Did you see the photos? Read the articles, see the news
report? Either A) the bar is pulling a big hoax , or perhaps
hiding an embarrassing flub, and knocked the hole in the
roof an tile themselves, or B) a small object with a solid
mass crashed through the roof and ceiling tile.

Has anyone thought to ask the owners or bartender on duty
that night for a list of people that where there in the bar
during the even. Locals know locals and would probably be
able to compile a list of people fairly easily. Perhaps a
meteorite did fall through the roof and only one person saw
it and took the object from the scene? Just hopeful thinking
yes, but it's a possibility.


Something fell through the roof. Where is it?

Some people just don't have the gumption to get in the car
and drive half way across the country for a "possible"

If you've ever met Robert you'll know right away he's the
kind of hunter that does! He's got that air about him that
just says "I'll go anywhere on earth to find a meteorite."

Way to go Robert!


On 1/5/2010 10:10 AM, Gary Chase wrote:
Good Call.  Why waste your time on something that
is not a sure thing.

   Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Hole in
Red Rock Lounge Roof Still a Mystery?????
   Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 16:52:14 +0000
   >   Didn't seem worth is to me.
   Matt Morgan
   Mile High Meteorites
   P.O. Box 151293
   Lakewood, CO 80215 USA

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