Hi Graham:

Before we let you in to Arizona, a little geography lesson:

Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona (UA Wildcats)

Tempe (Phoenix), Arizona: Arizona State University (ASU Sun Devils)

Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University (NAU Lumberjacks)

If you mix them up, you might get strung up from the nearest tree!


> Hi Ruben, All
> As part of our tight schedule we intend to be in the Holbrook area on Wed
> 3rd, So if that fits in with you or any others that would be great....
> probably staying somewhere in Flagstaff that night...nothing booked
> though. Would have liked to have attended one of Geoff's Meteortie Men
> viewings (one that eve) but it looks like we won't make them now we have
> out tour around all booked up....wish we had known about all the exciting
> extra events this year earlier on, then we would have booked our tour
> around them....so frustrating when you have to book so far ahead.
> Anyone know what time the Meteorite Men viewing start's and where? Just
> trying to make sure I have all options covered before we leave the UK.
> Desperately trying to see if we can find ways of getting to one
> them....Geoff?
> Also....anyone know any more about the timing of the ASU meteorite
> exhibition on the 30th eg. is it just for the one evening or will the
> meteorites still be available to see during the rest of the show?....and
> anything about the proposed tour up to the telescope which was
> suggested...quote..
> "There will be opportunities to take a *tour* with the Mt. Lemmon
> SkyCenter on
> a different night to *see the telescope on Mt. Lemmon where TC3 was
> discovered* by Richard Kowalski.
> Has an evening been confirmed?
> I don't seem to be having any luck getting replies from Geoff and Dorothy.
> Sorry about all the questions via the list but many thanks to all those
> who have replied with help, advice, maps etc.
> Looking forward to seeing many of you in a couple of weeks time.
> Cheers,
> Graham Ensor, UK
> ---- Ruben Garcia <mrmeteor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have received 6-10 emails in the last week (from list members and
>> others) asking if I would host a group hunt during the Tucson show.
>> I'm not sure If I can since during this time I will be rushed - as
>> most of us will be. However, I just may have time if it were to happen
>> on Feb 3rd or 4th.
>> So here's your chance. If you have always wanted to find a meteorite
>> but didn't know how or where, please contact me. I'll need to know
>> where you would like to hunt (Arizona strewnfields/Dry lakes etc...)
>> and if the above dates will work.
>> Please don't hesitate to email me as I will need to make a decision
>> very soon. It doesn't matter If you are a new or old list member or
>> whether we have even met. If you want to join in, speak now. There are
>> not many chances to learn from an experienced hunter. The more people
>> that contact me the more likely I will put aside time to do this.
>> So contact me and lets see if we can do this!
>> Rock On!
>> Ruben Garcia
>> Website: http://www.mr-meteorite.net
>> Articles: http://www.meteorite.com/blog/
>> Videos: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=meteorfright#p/u
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