--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Thomas Webb <webb...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: Thomas Webb <webb...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Pairing Discussions
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com, "Martin Altmann" 
> <altm...@meteorite-martin.de>
> Date: Monday, January 18, 2010, 9:04 PM
> List,
> Martin wrote--
> - Even if you're absolutely sure, that one of your stones
> is paired to one
> or several existing NWA-numbers, you are not allowed in no
> case to use one
> of these numbers.
> I think I understand the reasoning behind what has been put
> forth in this discussion so far and abide with it in my own
> dealings, however, I must wonder why practically everyone on
> the list who deals in meteorites has not had their "probably
> paired with" NWA 869 stones classified with a new number
> rather than just listing them as NWA 869 even though they
> bought them as unclassified and "probably paired
> with".  Is there some hypocrisy here?  Is it OK to
> make an eyeball pairing with 869 but not other NWA's? 
> Does no one care on this one simply because there is so much
> of it, so the rule does not apply?  Could it be that no
> one cares about getting a new number and classification if
> it's a meteorite that sells for pennies per gram, but if it
> sells for many dollars or hundreds of dollars per gram, then
> it becomes important?  Is it OK to bend or break the
> rules in some cases but not others?  Does greed ever
> enter into the equation?
> I've asked a lot of questions.  I'm certain there's
> someone here who can give reasonable answers.
> My best,
> Thomas
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