Hi Listoids, Collectors, and Fellow Sufferers of Meteoritis,

It is my goal to offer low-cost micromount specimens of over 100 finds
and falls.  Currently, I have 50 different falls and finds in my
micromount inventory, and most of them are only $5 each.  Some of the
rarest falls and types can cost $7, but the majority are $5 (over 36
of them).

So what kind of specimen do you get for $5 ?

It depends on the rarity of the fall or type involved.  Some common
types, like NWA ordinary chondrites, will weigh upwards to 1 full
gram, maybe a little more.  The specimen can be in the form of a part
slice, endcut, fragment, or several smaller pieces put together -
again, it depends on how rare that particular specimen is, and how
much of it that I have in stock.  As a general rule of thumb, for most
$5 micromounts, you will get a nicely-sized piece that shows the
lithology of the type and is substantial enough to handle, examine, or
break off a piece to trade.

So what kind of "rare" specimen do I get for $7?

Well, again, it depends on the specific fall/type and my supply of
that specimen.  Obviously, you aren't going to get a big lunar or
martian for $7.  For rare falls and planetaries, your specimen will be
weighed in milligrams and not grams.  It will be bigger than a "Bessey
speck", but it won't be as big as the common $5 micros.   In most
cases, with the rare ones, you'll get a crumb that is big enough to
identify, handle and examine - but just don't drop it in the carpet.

All micromounts, regardless of type, come with a quality 1.25" gemjar
(the bigger jars) - the good kind with tight fitting lids that don't
need tape to stay closed.  A paper label identifying the name, type,
country of origin, and date of find/fall is included inside the jar,
under the foam, facing out from the bottom.  Just flip the gemjar over
to read the label.  I prefer this method of labelling because you can
easily re-use the gemjar without having to clean off adhesive residue
from sticky labels or permanent marker writing.  Just remove the paper
label and you can use the gemjar for any of your specimens.

A note about my micromount photos - on my website, for most
micromounts, you will see a photo of a big pile of fragments or crumbs
next to a scale cube.  This is my supply of that particular meteorite,
and your micromount will be selected from it.  You will get the
biggest/nicest piece remaining from the lot shown, with the first
customers getting the best pieces and the last customers getting the
dwindling remnants.  If you would like to see exactly what your
specimen will look like - contact me and ask.  I will prepare your
specimen, photograph it, and email the photo to you.  Then you can
decide if you want it.  I use this system so I don't have to prepare,
photograph and store many hundreds of micromounts at the same time -
it's too laborious and confusing.

A note about my sources - I purchase the majority of material (about
90% of it) from Meteoritical Society members and IMCA members.  Many
of my sources are List members who are now reading this.  I don't buy
material from unknown or dubious sources.  I don't do business with
any traders with spotty reputations - I won't mention names, but we
all know the types of people I am talking about.  If I wouldn't put a
specimen into my personal collection cabinet for keeps, then I
wouldn't offer it to anyone else either.  You can be confident in the
integrity and authenticity of your specimen.  If something turns out
to be wrong later, then I will issue a full refund that includes all
shipping.  (It's never happened yet)  If the specimen is a rare fall
or type (or if the buyer requests it for any specimen), I will include
a copy of the original specimen card from the source dealer - so you
can know exactly where I bought the specimen and you can maintain the
provenance of your purchase.

Lastly, regardless of how many or how few micros you purchase from me,
you will get freebie bonus items.  Even if you purchase just one $5
micromount - you will get an extra freebie micromount!  Each and every
order, without exception, gets free bonus items - what I include as
bonus will vary and depends on what I have in stock.  Currently, I
just received several new shipments of material, so I am sitting on
lots of good specimens in healthy quantities - so I will be very
generous with the selection of freebies.  You may be quite surprised
by what is included for free.  I do this because a couple of dealers
did it for me when I first starting out as a new collector - it was
great fun and it made a positive impression on me.  It made me feel
appreciated as a customer and collector.

I want every collector, regardless of their budget, to have the
pleasure of sampling rare falls and exotic petrologic types.  You
don't have to dodge bid snipers and get lucky on eBay - I will always
have the micromounts you want.  I update my store website every day -
so if you see the specimen in stock, then it's really there.  I won't
email you back and say "oh, I'm sorry but that one is already sold."

If you use PayPal, then you can buy and checkout directly from the
website without waiting or exchanging emails - my website has a
built-in shopping cart and PayPal checkout.  You can purchase your
specimens instantly.

Ok, so what micromounts do I have in stock now?  Here is a list of
what I have that is available for immediate purchase :


Canyon Diablo - Arizona - iron
Gold Basin - Arizona - L4 chondrite
Hassayampa - Arizona - H4 chondrite
Holbrook - Arizona - L/LL6 chondrite, witnessed fall, hammer fall
Claxton - Georgia - L6 chondrite, witnessed fall, hammer stone
Park Forest - Illinois - L5 chondrite, witnessed fall, hammer fall
Norton - Kansas - aubrite, witnessed fall
Dawn(a) - Texas - H6 chondrite
Dimmitt - Texas - H3.7 chondrite
Forestburg(a) - Texas - L4 chondrite
Travis(a) - Texas - H5 chondrite
Tulia(a) - Texas - H3-4 chondrite
Tulia(b) - Texas - L6 chondrite

Morocco and NWA's -

Al-Haggounia - EL3 chondrite (listed in MB as aubrite, but it's
actually an EL chondrite)
Tamdakht - H5 chondrite, witnessed fall
Zag - H3-6 chondrite, witnessed fall.
NWA 515 - L6 chondrite
NWA 869 - L4-6 chondrite
NWA 906 - H3.8 chondrite
NWA 998 - Martian nakhlite
NWA 1877 - olivine diogenite (HEDO)
NWA 2126 - eucrite (HEDO)
NWA 2828 - EL chondrite (listed in MB as aubrite, but it's actually an
EL chondrite)
NWA 2778 - H4 chondrite
NWA 3117 - howardite (HEDO)
NWA 3140 - ureilite
NWA 4300 - H5 chondrite
NWA 4734 - Lunar achondrite
NWA 4857 - Martian shergottite (provisional)
NWA 5054 - L5 chondrite

Other Named Finds and Falls from Around the World -

Bassikounou - H5 chondrite, witnessed fall
Bilanga - diogenite, witnessed fall
Camel Donga - eucrite (HEDO)
Campo del Cielo - iron
Carancas - H4-5 chondrite, witnessed fall, hammer fall, crater-maker
Chergach - H5 chondrite, witnessed fall
Gao Guenie - H5 chondrite, witnessed fall, hammer fall
Ghubara - L5 chondrite
Henbury - iron
Imilac - pallasite
Jiddat al Harasis 020 - L6 chondrite
Murchison - carbonaceous chondrite CM2, witnessed fall, hammer fall
Muonionalusta - iron
Nantan - iron
Oum Dreyga - H3-5 chondrite, witnessed fall
Pallasovka - pallasite
SAU 001 - L5 chondrite
Sulagiri - LL6 chondrite, witnessed fall
Tatahouine - diogenite, witnessed fall, (HEDO)
Vaca Muerta - mesosiderite
Zagami - Martian shergottite, witnessed fall

I also have a full line of Riker box displays available for purchase.
These displays feature many of the above falls and rare types.  Some
have exclusive color artwork and/or photos.  You can see those here -

Also - don't forget, as a List Member (this means you!), you get a
permanent 25% discount off all prices on my website.  (minimum order
$10)  To get the discount, use the coupon code "metlist" at checkout.
If you use this coupon and take into account the bonus freebies, you
are paying well below $5 per micromount. :)

Don't want to take the time or trouble to amass a collection of
micromounts piecemeal?  Then I can offer you a full kit of 28
different micromounts that includes 20 different types -

Last, but certainly not least, I am running weekly auctions on eBay to
benefit charity.  I do not keep a single penny - all proceeds go to
charity.  This week's auction benefits the Challenger Center for Space
Science Education.  They do great work with kids, so bid generously -

So far this year, my bidders have raised over $100 for charity - l'd
like to see that number swell into the thousands, so let's start

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at
m...@galactic-stone.com or meteoritem...@gmail.com

Thanks for looking and happy huntings!

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