Funny Martin,

I've been hunting at Pistol Hill and Gunsight Pass, hoping to find something so 
I can put those names to it!

And yes, the photo did look funny and I confirmed that it wasn't pointing 
directly at anybody.

Having fun in Tucson,

P.S. I hope to meet a lot of you, so please look me up at the IMCA dinner, 
Birthday Bash and Blood auction.  Safe travells to all!

>> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Dark Matter <>
>> Oh, and maybe the List could play word games with guns and meteorite names.
>> Let's see. How about:
>> Rifle, Colorado
>> (Guns &) Rose City Michigan?
>> Gunlock, Utah
>> Sharps, Virginia
>> Smithsonia (& Wesson), Georgia
>> Best,
>> Martin

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