Good morning list.Another great day here in tucson.70 degrees and just great to 
meet more people.Well meteorite wise for me it was not a big day,but what I 
got,to me was the " big kahuna" of my meteorite buying.More to come in a 
minute.Some more people came into town.Graham ensor from england arrived,as 
well as matt morgan.More and more deals were made it seemed like everytime I 
looked into a room.I finally finished my meteorite rooms.We went over to visit 
eduardo in his room.He has the covert,ks main mass.He is also selling gibeon 
for $500 a kilo.He has some great end pieces.Then we went over to the howard 
johnson's and met up with the giroli bros. from uruguay.They excel in very 
large campo's.I also saw ali hmani and his pieces.He has a killer 5.5 kilo 
allende. As well as for my items I got yesterday.I got 3 more small 
sikhote-alin's with holes.Man not much left of those.They are almost gone.Then 
in the early afternoon,I went over and made a trade with
 bruno fectay.I aquired a 586 gram sikhote-alin (old stock).It's at least 20 
years old and has incredible flowing MELT lines.I have never seen such lines.It 
also has some lipping on the bottom and some small flow lines.But to me it is 
the redish brown patina and crust that is on it.Mike farmer and jim strope have 
been coveting this piece all day.Sorry it is coming home with me.After that we 
all went to the sky bar for the birthday bash.It was a real good time.I was 
invlolved in a little skit with the meteoritemen.It was really funny.All the 
big wigs of the meteorite relm were there.I just want to thank bob haag for a 
real nice time this weekend and all that great esquel I got.So far I have 
gotten great pictures for my website to show all.Well that it for now.More 
meteorite buying maybe.I still have my eyes set on that 22 gram slice PBS.we'll 
see.Well on with the day and more 70 degree temps. Have a great day and its on 
to the blood auction tonight.

 Steve R. Arnold, Chicago!! 
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