I am an uninformed reader but, where can I find these
"Meteorite Laws"?  I usually only carry a copy of the
Federal Regulations Title 43 Part 8360, that allows me 
to remove mineral specimens from public lands, should
I run into an agent who is not familiar with the law.
But, I am not familiar with "Meteorite Laws".  I know
that Michelle Knapps had no trouble claiming and selling
the Peekskill meteorite.
Just need to know where to find these said new laws..
Thanks!  Miss seeing everyone in Tucson. Had to have
a Knee tune up after tromping around Egypt.
> From: prairiecac...@rtcol.com
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 21:39:46 -0500
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Lorton Meteorite
> Hiya Carl, gun lovers and haters:
> I was merely stating the law as it now stands. If a meteorite falls on your
> property, you own it. An open and shut case. If the Smithsonian wants to
> appeal to the Supreme Court, the Court could possibly rule that current
> meteorite laws are unconstitutional. It's extremely unlikely they would hear
> the case. It's highly unlikely even a Circuit judge would strike down
> current meteorite laws as unconstitutional. Or any judge for that matter.
> The Smithsonian has the lawyers and the funding of the federal gov't backing
> them, they could try to argue the laws are unconstitutional, highly unlikely
> as there is practically no chance they would win.
> What they could do is go straight to the President and get either a
> presidential decree or have the Justice Dep't write some memos like they
> did legalizing torture. Again not a chance.
> More likely they could get a Congressman to introduce a bill changing the
> meteorite laws, but it would never make it out of the first round of
> sub-committes.
> Possession might be nine tenths of the law, but I'll be dollars to donuts
> the Smithsonian gives it back.
> Phil Whitmer
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