Good morning list.Well 4 days are in the book and it's time to get ready to 
wrap up what will probably be my last show for a couple of years.It is raining 
here on this Sunday morn. Yesterday was another great day. It was sunny and 70 
degree's! I met up with a few newbies I had not met with. Linton Rohr and Eric 
Fisler and his very nice family. Yesterday I bought 3 more new meteorites for 
the collection. I got another Sikhote-Alin from Mike Farmer. It is a super nice 
200 gram piece. I even have a picture to prove I bought it. I got a 7 gram part 
slice of the new witness fall from Ecuador,DUALE that Mike Farmer found. And 
finally my biggest purchase of the show, a 32 gram full thick slice of Pena 
Blanca Springs aubrite I had been looking for a nice piece for years. We pretty 
much stayed around the inn suites all day till around 5 pm. We then went to 
dinner and on to the auction. There were about 80 auctions and some nice 
material but  nothing to blow your
 nose at. I got the 2 items I wanted. A 14 gram slice of Park Forest and a 9 
gram part slice of Nwa 3161. The really interesting item of the show was how 
Count Diero toke over the auction for Mike Blood. He showed what it really 
means to be a " real " auctioneer. Way to go Count! The show ended about 9:50 
pm. We said our good byes and went home for the night. For me this was probsbly 
my best show. I come home with 11 new meteorites and $600. I pretty much stood 
my my guns,OOOPPPS! Sorry,such a touchy subject these day!!!! :) I bought and 
traded for what I really wanted. And a BBBBIIIIIIGGGG thanks to Jim Strope. 
Tomorrow at home I'll have a wrap up from day 5 and start putting pics up on my 
website. It has really  been a pleasure to meet so many nice people this year 
at one of the best shows ever.Greeting from rainy tucson and have a great day.

 Steve R. Arnold, Chicago!! 
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