Hi Dave,

This is the best one I've ever seen:


The smoke was quite colorful and lasted a long time. I saw it as it
flew across western Montana on its way to its closest earth approach
over Canada.



On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 1:33 PM, Dave Myers <whitefalcons...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have never been lucky enough to see a bolide, or fire-ball.
> But I have in my life seen 3 that were bright green, 2 That made a  loud 
> hissing or swishing noise. But this past november, I seen a very
> Bright white one start directly over head and head south east, as the bright 
> light burnt out, for a few tenths of a second, the object just glowed bright 
> red, went dim, and glowed about half as bright again, no tail.
> I would think this object made it through the lowest levels of the 
> atmosphere. Anyone ever had an encounter like that!
> Thanks
> Dave
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