Hi Jeff 

A universal system sounds a great idea. Infact in many ways all the NWA 
numbers, Sahara etc could be used as is, with extra numbers for 'named' 


---- Jeff Kuyken <i...@meteorites.com.au> wrote: 
> I would tend to agree with Arnaud and I don't think everyone painting their 
> own numbers is a good idea... at all!
> It would seem that identity is the driving factor here and the only way it 
> would work is if there was a standard system. You would only need one common 
> number for each meteorite. So say the number for Kilabo (LL6) is 12307. 
> Anyone who needed to adopt a numbering system on their meteorites could just 
> have 12307 painted on. You don't need anything else. Weights, descriptions, 
> features, etc, etc are all secondary and can still be maintained in a 
> database. But if that is lost, those details can still be determined by 
> anyone at a later date... at least the meteorite is still identified. Who 
> does the numbering system? The Meteoritical Society. They already sort of do 
> in their online database. I'm sure something official could be implemented 
> if something like this was needed.
> FYI: http://tin.er.usgs.gov/meteor/metbull.php?code=12307
> Cheers,
> Jeff
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jason Utas" <meteorite...@gmail.com>
> To: "The Tricottet Collection" <tricottetc...@live.com>; "Meteorite-list" 
> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 10:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Labeling specimens
> > Hello Arnaud, All,
> > I agree with you - to an extent.
> > While we have inked many of our specimens, we have never sold a single
> > meteorite (and the few we've traded were never marked).
> > With so many collectors buying, selling, and trading collection
> > pieces, I can easily visualize the numbering situation getting far out
> > of control.
> >
> > But...an issue still remains.
> >
> > I can easily remember the 174 gram stone that was on ebay no more than
> > a few months back - that was from a witnessed fall in Northwest
> > Africa, but that didn't have a name because the buyer (and his
> > supplier - I asked) had forgotten its name.  If the collector who had
> > originally purchased said meteorite had numbered it and kept his
> > records straight, that individual wouldn't have lost its identity.  It
> > is now a "fresh unclassified NWA stone."
> > At least, that's what it sold as on ebay....
> >
> > So...there's something of a dilemma.  Yes, stones shouldn't me
> > overmarked.  But we have the opportunity to ensure that stones will
> > not be misnamed or misplaced.
> > And that's where the judgement call must happen; people shouldn't
> > inherently mark their meteorites with collection numbers, because,
> > well, it can't be undone.  But at the same time, people know how well
> > they keep track of things; if they know that they're that
> > disorganized, perhaps they should go and draw on their meteorites.  If
> > it's the only way they can be sure of keeping track of their
> > collection with 110% certainty, I would say that they should go ahead
> > and do it.
> >
> > I've seen more than one meteorite go miscataloged and lose its
> > identity; it was enough for me to say that the person who allowed it
> > to happen was grossly negligent, and didn't have the *right* to curate
> > such scientifically important items.
> > After all, when all we are is a temporary steward to a rock that's
> > held its identity for more than four and a half billion years, who are
> > we to misplace its label and effectively erase its terrestrial
> > history.
> >
> > Hence my two-mindedness.  I think that, yes, if everyone numbers their
> > meteorites, there will be problems - unless, of course, there is a
> > universal system off of which numbers can be derived.
> > But that's not going to happen.
> > And at the same time, I think that our current system of doing things
> > is inadequate; meteorites are being honestly misnamed and misplaced in
> > such a way that they lose their identities.
> > That simply shouldn't happen.  Ever.  We have brains that are more
> > than capable of ensuring that it doesn't happen, so the fact that it
> > does only goes to show that keeping such things straight simply isn't
> > a priority.
> >
> > So...I would advocate having meteorites with multiple numbers on them.
> > I'd rather have a meteorite with a known identity - with three
> > numbers on it - than a meteorite with no identity and no numbers on
> > it.  Hell, I'd rather have ten meteorites with five numbers on them
> > than a thirty meteorites without names.
> > Or a hundred.  After all, they'd be completely worthless.
> >
> > Just my opinion.
> >
> > Jason
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 1:51 AM, The Tricottet Collection
> > <tricottetc...@live.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I would like to disagree with everyone here. If we all start painting 
> >> numbers on meteorites, in 2-3 generations, all specimens will be full of 
> >> useless graffiti - who will know which number matches which "minor" 
> >> collection? So the problem would remain exactly the same. When I say 
> >> "minor", I mean not a lot of people have a collection which can be 
> >> compared to a Nininger, Monnig or any national museum collection! And 
> >> with time, with more maturity, what if you find your inventory numbering 
> >> system inefficient, what if you decide to change it?
> >>
> >> Personally I will never paint anything on my collection specimens. I 
> >> prefer to take 1 or more pictures per specimen + weight + other important 
> >> characteristics, label them and keep then in different boxes.
> >>
> >> Just my opinion,
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Arnaud
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> The Tricottet Collection of Natural History Specimens
> >> (Minerals, Fossils & Meteorites)
> >> www.thetricottetcollection.com
> >> Facebook: The Tricottet Collection
> >> Twitter: TricottetColl
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 08:52:34 +0000
> >>> From: msgmeteori...@googlemail.com
> >>> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> >>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Labeling specimens
> >>>
> >>> Hi Ed, Svend, Jason, all,
> >>>
> >>> Very good points indeed and interesting reading. Theres a lot to chew
> >>> over there but looks like i may be taking the plunge and starting the
> >>> process at some point.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks very much for all your considered and informative replies
> >>>
> >>> Regards
> >>>
> >>> Martin
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