The only reason Ebay ever bought a 25% share of the company (seat on the board) was because they wanted an edge. "Keep your enemies closer.".

I hope Craigslist rips them a new one! Ooh, can I say that on here? ;) Ebay is a greedy pig of a company, and it's OBVIOUS to anyone with half a brain that their buying of 25% share of Craigslist was just a ploy to try to gain control over Craigslist by getting inside their biggest competition. Then when that didn't work they created their own competing free classifieds site. Now they sue Craigslist for doing what any "smart" business would do. I hope Craigslist whoops Ebay's collective asses! Legally of course. Too bad they can't counter sue Ebay for being greedy bastards.

Craigslist is the single largest threat to Ebay because you can't fight freedom. Even Craigslist has to make money though, they do it by charging for Job & Real Estate listings. Pretty good business model if you ask me. They don't allow national advertising though, which in my mind is limiting to those who own home based businesses who would like to expand and grow their "Mom & Pop" business into something larger, which in a way drives these same home businesses to look toward Ebay for national advertising. Frankly in my opinion Ebay is stupid for not seeing that. If they could have worked it out with Craigslist instead of trying to bulldoze them, I think they could have made a great team. But alas, they have competing philosophies. Craigslist is all about freedom, and Ebay is about profit. I know somewhere there's a happy middle ground where both could have prospered, but not now.

You go Craigslist! ;)


On 3/17/2010 12:02 AM, Sterling K. Webb wrote:
Eric, List,

Craigslist is a privately held company. eBay purchased
a block of shares in Craigslist from an individual share-
holder and got a seat on the Craigslist board. After eBay
launched their own free classified service to compete with
Craigslist, the Craigistas tossed them off the board by
issuing enough new shares to dilute eBay's 28-odd%
share to less than 25%, which does not qualify for a Board
seat. This is a time honored and perfectly legal technique
to squeeze one's mortal enemies out of the family. Ebay
decided to sue, and the two are now entangled in a life-or-death
legal struggle as Craigslist tries to jettison eBay:

After a year or so of maneuvering the suit went to trial in
Dec., 2009. No decision yet. This story contains a link to
the lawsuit filing itself:

Wait and see.

Sterling K. Webb
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- Original Message ----- From: "Meteorites USA" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ad Ebay sellers must see

There are no online sites the can provide the reach that Ebay does. Ebay knows this, hence their overinflated fees and idiotic policies which are driving away sellers.

No sellers + Nothing to buy = Less money for Ebay! Seems rather counter intuitive to me. I say Ebay should raise their fees to 50% and get it over with. At least then they'll go bankrupt faster and people will be motivated to create an alternative. is a free option. I created this site a while back and its been on pause for a while.

I know there's some other auction sites, but nothing like Ebay. Yahoo shut it's auctions down a long time ago, and Amazon is mainly books and stuff and their fees are expensive. I don't know of any alternative that can really compete with Ebay except Craigslist and Ebay owns 25% of that company too.

Oh well...


On 3/16/2010 10:24 PM, Richard Kowalski wrote:
Much of my collection has come about by winning ebay auctions, but I can see dealers bugging out in greater numbers. Ebay is easy to use, but I'd rather put my money in the dealer's than into ebay's pocket...

What online auction sites are you dealers using or considering using?

Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081

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