Hola Aziz. We asked you in your facebook page if it could be a Winonaite 
specimen. We second Mike in that < you have something unique there and should 
have it classified>
Hasta la vista,

> Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 17:11:42 -0400
> From: meteoritem...@gmail.com
> To: azizhab...@yahoo.com
> CC: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] golden iron color and Widmanstätten" patterns
> Hi Aziz,
> I have no idea what the gold coloration is. It looks like someone
> with very poor taste spray-painted it with Krylon Glitter Gold. Could
> it be something related to a high troilite content? I know that
> troilite sometimes looks brassy to the naked eye, but I've never seen
> anything like the meteorite in your photo. It is very unusual, and
> coming from anyone else I would suspect it was painted. But I think
> you have something unique there and should have it classified.
> Whatever you find out about it, please share it with the List and let
> us know. :)
> Best regards and happy huntings,
> MikeG
> On 4/1/10, habibi abdelaziz wrote:
>> hey all
>> got some time now and i missed meteorite, sorry if i miss any emails or
>> didn't answer;;
>> ok many collectors ask me why this iron has this golden color,
>> what is the process , that make it looking like that.
>> and why the Widmanstätten" patterns is showing on the surface,
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/azizhabibi/page3/
>> can someone answer please ,as myself i do not know why its golden color,
>> i know i have sold two small cut iron that was looking like gold, i may have
>> photo in my archives.
>> thanks
>> aziz habibi
>> habibi aziz
>> box 70 erfoud 52200 morroco
>> phone. 21235576145
>> fax.21235576170
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> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
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