Notice, btw that this is _live_ video.
You can also choose two alternative views further
away on the left side.

These vents are currently situated right between two
fairly large mountaintop glaciers in southern Iceland -
at 1000 m asl.
The scientists think that the eruption with time will
move to the eastern one of these - Myrdalsjøkul.
This will trigger a large flooding event that will treathen
one or more villages on the coast there, and at the
same time break the main road around Iceland.
Exciting times on Iceland...

Bjørn Sørheim

>The only URL that works for me is this one:


>Very nice video.

>For fans of new volcanoes, I suggest video of the
>Paricutin volcano of Mexico, which erupted in a
>flat corn field in 1943:

>Here's news reel footage from three days after the
>eruption when the cinder cone mountain was 1200
>feet high (it's 1400 feet now):

>Sterling K. Webb

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