I'm getting all misty eyed just reading about it.....

Phil Whitmer


Darryl and all, thanks for the congrats.
I was almost in tears when we spoke to the school, and those

hundreds of kids all were chearing and having so much fun.

When the little boy found the meteorite, you saw for yourself that

the other kids were carrying him like some sort of football hero. It

was priceless, and moving, and

I think we really touched them. As I said, the science teacher was

also overwhealmed with emotion that this was happening to his


What happened there was a piece of history, and this meteorite fall

is so different from Ash Creek, where the locals were very

uninviting, Wisconsin is almost 100 % success rate for permission to

hunt, and eveyone is so interested in the meteorite.

That kid and the fact that he found a meteorite minutes after our

talk is such a great story.

CNN is focusing on that, and the story will be out tomorrow or

Monday I was told today.

Michael Farmer

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