
I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that your work is very much
appreciated. The meteorite community is much better because of people
like you, Paul, Jim (and all the authors of Meteorite-Times).

Thanks for working so hard!

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Alexander Seidel <g...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> http://www.rocksfromspace.org/April_29_2010.html
> Very nice!
> Then again, once upon a time there was a pic of this same
> small monument with a certain Rob Elliott from Scotland,
> holding a piece of Wold Cottage in his hands. The oldtimers
> here on this list will remember it! A good place to remember!
> By the way: anyone heard any news about Rob these days...???
> Alex
> Berlin/Germany
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Rock On!

Ruben Garcia

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