
My heart sank and my chest felt heavy after reading your very honest post on
selling "Your Meteorite" to take care of your kids and yourself and needs.
Honestly, if I had the cash I'd give you $20k for the whole thing.

You have honestly made me feel very humble and human after reading your
post. I'm glad you found it since if I'd been out there with you hunting and
found it I'd probably have wanted to have pulled off a "oops I tripped and
fell and holler at your kids to come help the Cool Older White haired Dude
up out of the cow pie and hoped they would have seen it laying there and I
would have let them have it.

I wish you the best of happiness, peace, and joy and keep that warm heart
open. I'm getting a little teared up here. You sell the Kerchner meteorite
and do what you need to do with the money.

All the best,

Brian Cox


IMCA # 6387

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