I know humidity makes a big difference.  Luckily the humidity around here is 
usually in the single digits which is perfect for meteorite storage but when 
monsoons hit this time of year, the humidity can suddenly jump up to around 
50%.  Add this to temperatures in excess of 120 degrees and it can become 
sweltering.  This is the only time I see the local deserts rats ever sweat.

The locals have adapted to these kind of temperatures and it does not seem to 
slow them down at all.  They say it is all relative and that it is hard to tell 
the difference between 115 or 130 degrees once you get used to it. I see people 
barbecuing at the beaches, drinking beer and going about business as normal 
without cracking a sweat. I think the slight breezes wick of the perspiration.

They do give heat advisories so that tourists don't die of heat stroke but they 
spend most of their time inside the air-conditioned casinos or are out cooling 
down in the Colorado river.    Swimming pools are of very little comfort 
it is like jumping into a hot-tub unless they are cooled down.  Even my "cold" 
tap water is like taking a hot shower.

The point is that, you should carry several gallons of water, have a working 
conditioner in your vehicle and above all else be cautious when traveling the 
Mohave this time of year.  The meteorites will still be there in the fall when 
it starts to cool down.

Best Regards,

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