Hi Greg,
  I really suck at math, even so, I believe that would be 172 years from now, 
not 72, so you definitely won't be around.  

> From: stanleygr...@hotmail.com
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 15:23:46 -0700
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Scientist Warns Massive Asteroid Could Hit Earth in 
> 2182
> Wow - that's only 72 years from now... Don't think I'll be around
> Greg S.
> http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/07/28/massive-asteroid-hit-earth-warn-scientists/?test=faces
> Scientist Warns Massive Asteroid Could Hit Earth in 2182
> A large asteroid in space that has a remote chance of slamming into the Earth 
> would be most likely hit in 2182, if it crashed into our planet at all, a new 
> study suggests.
> The asteroid, called 1999 RQ36, has about a 1-in-1,000 chance of actually 
> hitting the Earth, but half of that risk corresponds to potential impacts in 
> the year 2182, said study co-author MarĂ­a Eugenia Sansaturio of the 
> Universidad de Valladolid in Spain.
> Sansaturio and her colleagues used mathematical models to determine the risk 
> of asteroid 1999 RQ36 impacting the Earth through the year 2200. They found 
> two potential opportunities for the asteroid to hit Earth in 2182.
> The research is detailed in the science journal Icarus.
> The asteroid was discovered in 1999 and is about 1,837 feet (560 meters) 
> across. A space rock this size could cause widespread devastation at an 
> impact site in the remote chance that it hit Earth, according to a recent 
> report by the National Academy of Sciences.
> Scientists have tracked asteroid 1999 RQ36's orbit through 290 optical 
> observations and 13 radar surveys, but there is still some uncertainty 
> because of the gentle push it receives from the so-called Yarkovsky effect, 
> researchers said.
> The Yarkovsky effect, named after the Russian engineer I.O. Yarkovsky who 
> proposed it around 1900, describes how an asteroid gains momentum from 
> thermal radiation that it emits from its night side. Over hundreds of years, 
> the effect's influence on an asteroid's orbit could be substantial.
> Sansaturio and her colleagues found that through 2060, the chances of Earth 
> impacts from 1999 RQ36 are remote, but the odds increase by a magnitude of 
> four by 2080 as the asteroid's orbit brings it closer to the Earth.
> The odds of impact then dip as the asteroid would move away, and rise in 2162 
> and 2182, when it swings back near Earth, the researchers found. It's a 
> tricky orbital dance that makes it difficult to pin down the odds of impact, 
> they said.
> "The consequence of this complex dynamic is not just the likelihood of a 
> comparatively large impact, but also that a realistic deflection procedure 
> (path deviation) could only be made before the impact in 2080, and more 
> easily, before 2060," Sansaturio said in a statement.
> After 2080, she added, it would be more difficult to deflect the asteroid.
> "If this object had been discovered after 2080, the deflection would require 
> a technology that is not currently available," Sansaturio said. "Therefore, 
> this example suggests that impact monitoring, which up to date does not cover 
> more than 80 or 100 years, may need to encompass more than one century."
> By expanding the timeframe for potential impacts, researchers would 
> potentially identify the most threatening space rocks with enough time to 
> mount deflection campaigns that are both technologically and financially 
> feasible, Sansaturio said.
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