Stuart McDaniel
Lawndale, NC
Cleve. Co. Astronomical Society
----- Original Message -----
1) When did you start collecting? (how long ago)    May 2009

2) What first interested you about meteorites? I could actually hold something from space!!

3) What was your first meteorite purchase, and from whom? NWAxxx from John (moonman)

4) How many meteorites or localities do you currently have in your collection? 63

5) If you had to know for insurance purposes, what do you value your
entire collection at? - in dollars - ballpark figure OK, or just say
"none of your business".                            +/- 2000.00

6) What is your favorite meteorite and why? Either my Brenham(pallasites are the coolest!!)) or Almahatta Sitta(Unique)

7) Have you ever found a meteorite in the field?        No

8) Did you ever get the deal of a lifetime on a meteorite? If so, what was it? A Dry Lake from Steve Arnold (MetMan)

9) Did you ever go through the ordeal of a lifetime to obtain a        No
meteorite?  If so, please explain.

10) Have you ever consumed meteoritic material?  (If so, how or under
what circumstances?)        Hell no, it cost too much!!!

11) Does your spouse share your meteorite passion, is ambivalent
towards it, or resents it?        Appreciates it.

12) Have you ever let a bill go unpaid or late to buy a meteorite? No (not yet) LOL!!

13) A perfectly oriented, fully crusted, baseball-sized, lunar
meteorite crashes through your roof and lands in your lap while you
are reading this.  It's the most gorgeous aesthetically-superior
specimen you have ever seen - like Lafayette, but better.  It legally
belongs to you.  What do you do with it?

Do the Meteorite Dance also, send a sample for analysis, probably donate some samples, sell a few, and keep a BIG hunk

14) Statistics have caught up with someone.  Anne Hodges will no
longer be the only documented person to be struck by a falling
meteorite.  Assuming the next person struck could be anyone and you
could pick that person, who would it be?  (silly answers only, nothing
mean or political)                        ME, ME, ME, ME !!!!

15) You are awarded the honor of selecting one specimen to keep from
any meteorite collection in the world. What would it be? ALMAHATTA SITTA

16) Have you ever sold or donated your entire collection, and then had
to rebuild it?              Absolutely NOT!!!

17) Summarize what you think about tektites in one sentence. The look like turds. :^)

18) Which do you prefer - thin sections, whole specimens, slices, or endcuts? WHOLE

19) Do you collect meteorwrongs?    NO

20) Have you ever dropped a tiny crumb of a rare meteorite and lost it? ALMOST, LOST A PIECE OF MY TAGISH LAKE

Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
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