Hi Anne and List,

We are talking about the most expensive meteorites here, not the rarest.  I 
bought and sold both Lodran and Winona and their prices are nowhere near 
comparable to those of Lunaites in the last few years, especially with the 
release of more Winonites and Lodranites from NWA.  I was only able to muster 
$500.00/gram for a gram-plus piece of Winona and only realized slightly more 
Lodran.  The price of Chassigny has dropped like a rock since the discovery of 
NWA 2737. Although there are more Lunars by number than Martian, the total 
available weight of Martian meteorites is much greater.  Do not get me wrong, I 
appreciate all meteorites.  I am just stating that there is much more excitment 
over a discovery of a new Lunar meteorite in NWA than any other type, even a 
possible Earth to Earth meteorite.  The Moroccans know that they will get more 
for a new Lunaite than any other type and they are the number one suppliers in 
the world right now.   

I am quoting what the article in Smithsonian Magazine said,"The most desirable 
meteorite is a dislodged piece of the Moon."   Desirability translates into 
price per gram.  

Best Regards,

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