Greg, Michael, List,
Glad to hear that many of you were able to enjoy the show.
I spent three days up in the White Mountains, east of Bishop, CA, near the Nevada border. The area is home to the Bristlecone Pines - the oldest living things, at up to 4,000 years old. Being in the rain shadow of the Sierra Nevada, we didn't see a single cloud the whole time. The sky was very transparent, and dark enough that we were able to easily see the zodiacal light beginning around 3:00 or 3:30. We enjoyed plenty of DSO observing early on, when we weren't just sitting back watching for meteors. I didn't have a counting device, but I'd estimate we saw about 100 before midnight, and another 200 between midnight and 4:00. They seemed to be almost equally divided between bright ones with ion trails and faint ones without. Of the bright ones, almost half of them had persistent trains, visible over 60-90 degrees across the sky. The shorter ones probably spanned 10-15 degrees. We had a couple of long "skippers", an orange "firework" that seemed to explode and then fall, and even a very bright one that might have qualified as a bolide. A great night, all in all. One that I'll always remember.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Murray" <>
Cc: "meteorite-list" <>
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Perseids.

We had clear skies here in southwest CO. I was out watching starting at about 9 PM. Saw an eyepopper of a meteor at about 9:15. Long tail, orange tint to it. I'm certainly no expert on meteors but sure looked to me like this one made it into dark flight. I've seen a daytime fireball and watched the big one that went over to California a while back at night but the first one I saw last night was by far more spectacular to see. Last night, I also watched several that were multiple pieces of 3 or more traveling side by side. They went pretty much directly overhead going north to south. For the last few years we had clouds during the Persieds. Nice to finally get to watch some of the shower.
Mike in CO
On Aug 13, 2010, at 6:06 AM, GREG LINDH wrote:

I stayed up all night to watch the Perseids. I laid back on a chaise lounge, put my IPod on, and looked up. I live in Prescott Valley AZ. which is about 5100 feet elevation, so the sky was dark and crystal clear. Well, it's now 5:00 in the morning and the eastern sky is starting to lighten, so I came in. I counted a total of 183 meteors. Some were quite brilliant. Also a number of satellites. Nice night.

 Greg L.    ______________________________________________
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