Hi Eric,

For collector's purposes, Norbert Classen's listing is
near-definitive.  According to his last update, the number of lunar
meteorites is 67, not counting pairings.


Best regards,


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

On 8/23/10, Meteorites USA <e...@meteoritesusa.com> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I know this has been talked about on-list but... I keep getting this
> question, or people that say they have found a "Lunar" meteorite. I'm
> wondering how many there actually are. I've heard numbers thrown about
> haphazardly, but no one has been able to give me a clear and concise answer.
> The Met-Bull has "...130 records found for meteorites with historical
> types that contain "Lunar"...'
> Does this mean there are 130 Lunar meteorites that have been recovered
> and classified, Ever? Or is my search flawed? (as a side note, it also
> says there are "...92 records found for meteorites with historical types
> that contain "Martian"...")
> Dr. Randy Korotev's "List of Lunar Meteorites" on the Washinton
> University website has the number at 140.
> http://meteorites.wustl.edu/lunar/moon_meteorites_list_alpha.htm
> Just for giggles I wanted to know how many total classified meteorites
> there actually were on the planet.
> "...39146 valid meteorite names; 11959 provisional names; 4589 full-text
> writeups..."
> That's a whopping 51,105 classifications. Wow!
> Doing some simple math, 130 Lunar meteorites out of 51,105 total
> classifications means that "Lunars" only makeup about 0.254% of the
> total number of meteorite ever classified. (0.180% for Martian meteorites).
> Are these number correct?
> Regards,
> Eric
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Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
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