Hi Rob and List,

Sorry to hear you are in the van of back sufferers. It must be very difficult 
for you. 
 Yours is a very good suggestion...getting up close and personal is the right 
way to examine prospects. That's true for just about anything one is searching 
for. I agree with your method of using the magnet in hand and would encourage 
all new hunters to follow your advice. 

My last post was an attempt at poking fun at the more experienced hunters 
combined with a thinly concealed challenge as to who will discover the first 
American Lunite. It's inevitable that it will be found....that's exciting.

Best personal regards,

Count Deiro
IMCA 3536 

-----Original Message-----
>From: "Matson, Robert D." <robert.d.mat...@saic.com>
>Sent: Aug 24, 2010 6:36 PM
>To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: [meteorite-list] OK, how 'bout "Magnet canes are flawed?"
>Hi Count/List,
>No need for anyone to get defensive -- many people use a meteorite cane
>because their backs are shot. I have compressed lumbar discs, so I have
>lived with chronic back pain for years. Bending over a thousand times
>per meteorite hunting day does take its toll. (I consequently bend at
>the knees, not at the waist.)
>The point I was trying to make is that if you depend SOLELY on the
>feedback provided by a meteorite cane, you will unavoidably miss some
>meteorites -- and unfortunately, these will be the most interesting
>ones. I've seen my share of newcomers to the hobby that completely
>depend on their magnet canes as their primary detector, because they
>are still learning to recognize meteorites (of all types) by their
>visual appearance. That's all fine. But if someone is young and/or
>in reasonably good physical shape, I suggest they ditch the cane in
>favor of a handheld magnet. It forces you to place more dependence
>on your eyes; if you're uncertain of a particular rock, you simply
>pick it up for a closer look (which also has the advantage of giving
>you an idea of the density). You then have the option of holding
>the rock in one hand and the magnet in the other to test for
>attraction. Believe me, the sensitivity of this test is an order
>of magnitude greater than using the exact same magnet on the end
>of a cane. My intention here is not "embarrassment", as you put it,
>but enlightenment. If I didn't want others to be successful, I'd
>let them merrily go about their business tapping rocks all day.  --Rob
>-----Original Message-----
>From: countde...@earthlink.net [mailto:countde...@earthlink.net] 
>Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:29 PM
>To: Matson, Robert D.; Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil
>Robert wrote:
>I sometimes carry an LL6 with me....That usually "cures" them.
>Ah, come on you guys. You talk like we relative "newbies" are a sandwich
>short of your picnic. I carry a very powerful (+50) neomydium on a staff
>I use, cause I'm a cripple and I don't like to fall down, or bend over.
>But, my first location device is my own pair of MK2 eyeballs backed by
>recognition patterns learned in studies on line, in papers, texts and
>handling in person thousands of meteorite wrongs and rights. Yeah, I
>know, I'll never catch up to you in numbers, but you'd be surprised at
>the difference in each individual's learning abilities, memory and
>powers of observation. Per esempio. I was dropped in a known strewnfield
>that had been worked, admittedly for six years, by one of the best
>hunters in the Americas and several of his equally experienced
>dealer/hunter friends. Within an hour I spotted a 13.7 kilo LL6 sticking
>three inches out of the ground. I had used my eyes first, then the cane
>second. If it hadn't been attracted I would have picked it up anyway to
>loupe it. If it was obviously not a wrong, but still ringing bells
>(possible planetary, or other rariety) I would have put it down. Then
>cubed, GPS'ed and taken a photo, put it in a baggy (if it would fit) and
>taken it home to the scope. But guess what?...this LL6 clicked, albeit
>lightly. So, you had better use a lunaite to embarass "newbies" with
>their magnets. And keep in mind that hunting for meteorites isn't a very
>complicated business. Hell, you can teach dogs to do it.
>And about that first lunar to be found in the Americas...don't be
>surprised if some reportably dumb ass newbie trips over it. 
>Count Deiro
>IMCA 3536  
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: "Matson, Robert D." <robert.d.mat...@saic.com>
>>Sent: Aug 24, 2010 1:10 PM
>>To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>>Subject: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil
>>Mark wrote:
>>> As soon as everyone stops using metal detectors and magnet canes to 
>>> look for meteorites then the first Lunars in Europe or USA will 
>>> eventually be found, .... until then!
>>I have never used a magnet cane, nor will I ever, and I always advise 
>>new hunters against their use. A magnet cane is basically an H-, L-, 
>>iron, and stony-iron filter. I sometimes carry an LL6 with me to the 
>>desert on the off-chance I'll run into someone using a magnet cane. 
>>That usually "cures" them. ;-)
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