Hi Rich,

I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss this as a bogus event.  The 100-m crater 
reports are certainly false, but a variety of Colombian newspapers are 
reporting the event as a daytime fireball.  The online comments are full of 
eyewitness descriptions from people who claim to have seen the fireball and 
heard the detonation.  At least one article reports broken windows from a 
putative shockwave in the rural town of Piedecuesta.  The second link below 
also shows what appears to be a cell-phone capture of a smoke train.

There was one widely-reported (and now widely discredited) report from a farmer 
who claimed 8 cows were killed and a soccer field destroyed...since a soccer 
field is around 100-m in length, I suspect this is where the "100-m crater" 
rumor started.




Eric Christensen

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