I forgot to mention NAU is now off of the public classification services list 
along with ASU; two very prominent meteorite classification powerhouses now 
within the last year and both from Arizona.  They seem to be dropping out one 
one at an alarming rate.

I am not trying to be overly dramatic.  I just see things going the wrong way 
the last couple of years.  More and more land is now off limits including my 
home state of Washington.  This really upsets me because I tied a goal around 
finding one there.  The late Richard O. Norton warned that this could happen 
over a decade ago.  He was one of the first to recognize that responsibility 
would translate into preservation if managed properly.  I listened to him for 
several hours at a private party in Tucson over ten years ago and his points 
were well received.  I feel almost guilty for being so complacent but now will 
openly mention issues that bother me.

Best Regards and happy Hunting,

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