Aloha - 

In concert with Bob Walker - of Queensland, and the person who takes the thin 
section images for him, I figured that, a series of images of a thin section 
could be stitched together using GigaPan, and presented for your enjoyment. 

These two are the first attempts, and are using the 20x image set. When I have 
some more free time :-) the 50x set will get stitched together,

For those who haven't played with gigapan images, The cool part is you can do 
some serious zooming! since the overall image is made up of a number of high 
resolution images, the potential is good. In these cases, 16 images were joined 
up to make a 120MB image. The focus still needs to be worked on. That's over at 
the original image side of things :-)  I hope the 50x ones are a bit crisper!

If all goes well, we'll start a whole series of these! I'm looking forward to 

cheers - Ted Brattstrom

Barratta - L4

(Handy Hint - Launch the Full Screen Viewer)




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