I found this interesting.

I apologize if it has already been posted.

Greg S.


Who owns the meteorite?

In the dispute over the one that landed in a Lorton, Va., medical office 
earlier this year, the tenants should win.

Andrea J. Boyack

March 22, 2010

On Jan. 18 at 5:45 p.m., a meteorite crashed through the ceiling of a medical 
office in Lorton, Va. It damaged the building and interior finishings but hurt 
no one. The meteorite's fall from space is over, but the earthly battle over 
its ownership has just begun. This, in a circumstance of pure kismet, was a 
mere 90 minutes after I had wrapped up a lesson in my property law course 
discussing meteorite ownership disputes, among other things.

"It's evident that ownership is tied to the landowner," asserted one of the 
landlords. The tenant doctors, by publicizing their intent to donate the 
meteorite to the Smithsonian and any proceeds to Haitian earthquake relief, 
have likely won the public relations battle in the court of public opinion. But 
who should win title in a court of law?

Centuries-old common law allocates original ownership of unowned things based 
on first possession. First possession by a person, illustrated by the 
ubiquitous case of Pierson v. Post, 3 Cai. R. 175 (N.Y. 1805), holds that 
ownership to an unowned "wild thing" vests in the hunter at the moment of 
actual possession (capture), at least if such capture occurs on "unpossessed 
land." The ownership analysis becomes more complicated when capture occurs on 
private property, because allocation of ownership then turns on whether actual 
possession vests the captor with ownership or whether the thing is ineligible 
for capture because its mere presence on the land has made it constructively 
possessed by the landowner.

Constructive-possession analysis is not required in cases involving trespass: 
The law clearly prohibits trespassers from claiming ownership through capture. 
The asserted rule that a meteorite is property of the landowner actually comes 
from Oregon Iron Co. v. Hughes, 81 P. 572 (Ore. 1905), a case in which the 
other title claimant was a trespassing meteorite-hunter. The rule in that case 
is unsurprising, but irrelevant here: The Lorton doctors lawfully possess the 
premises where they found the meteorite.

The law finds constructive possession by a landowner of previously unowned 
objects appearing on his land in three types of ways. First, we define real 
property to include all natural objects growing out of or under the land. 
Second, the doctrine of ratione soli (by reason of the soil) establishes a 
landowner's first-in-time claim for some situate natural objects (e.g., 
beehives, beavers and nesting birds) which are deemed "possessed" by the land 
itself. Third, under the doctrine of fixtures, if a once-movable object becomes 
attached to realty to such an extent that it becomes physically a part of it, 
then such object ceases to be separately owned personalty and becomes a part of 
the real estate to which it is affixed. The doctrine of fixtures sometimes 
appears in landlord-tenant disputes because a tenant may not remove or transfer 
title to a fixture without the landlord's consent.

Is a meteorite adequately attached to the real property so as to be part of the 
soil or a fixture? In one case, Goddard v. Winchell, 52 N.W. 1124 (Iowa 1892), 
the court said yes. In that case, an ownership dispute arose after a large 
meteorite fell onto prairie land in Forest City, Iowa, embedding itself three 
feet into the ground. The "grass rights" tenant sold the meteorite to a 
collector, and the landlord claimed title. The court held that, since the 
meteorite in question had been found below the surface of the ground, it had in 
effect become part of the realty. And since fixtures cannot be removed 
unilaterally by tenants, ownership of the meteorite was awarded to the 
landlord. The court reasoned, "It was not a movable thing 'on the ground.' It 
was in the earth, and in a very significant sense, immovable." Although the 
Forest City meteorite was embedded in the soil, the Lorton meteorite was not 
affixed to the realty in any way.

Even if a court found that the "property owner" should always have constructive 
possession of meteorites on its land, this does not end the title inquiry here. 
The concept of "property owner" is more complicated than many people recognize 
because ownership interests in land can be split among multiple owners. Title 
to real property can be shared temporally (e.g., between a life tenant and the 
holder of the remainder interest) and concurrently (e.g., among multiple 
tenants in common). In addition, a lease grants the tenant a current possessory 
ownership estate in the leased property.

Since the "ownership" of real property during a lease term is actually shared 
by landlord and tenant, merely granting that something belongs to the "owner" 
of real property does not indicate whether it has vested in the tenant or the 
landlord. Since the tenant is in exclusive possession during the lease term, 
even with respect to the landlord, constructive possession (if it applies at 
all) should logically vest ownership in the tenant. The rights of the tenant to 
the leased real property, including any fixtures, ends at lease termination. 
But unlike the Forest City meteorite, the Lorton meteorite never became affixed 
to the realty, so that limitation does not apply.

There is another historic meteorite landing that led to a landlord-tenant 
property rights dispute. In 1954, a meteorite crashed through the roof of a 
rented home in Sylacauga, Ala., striking the tenant, Ann Hodges. She claimed 
ownership, as did her landlord. In this, the only documented case of a human 
being hit by a meteorite, the parties settled out of court. We thus have no 
judicial opinion resolving landlord versus tenant meteorite title, at least 
with respect to meteorites not embedded into the ground.

A meteorite lying on the floor of a doctor's office is clearly not a fixture. 
Finding constructive possession due to ratione soli of a product that 
indubitably fell from outer space stretches credulity. The Lorton doctors were 
not trespassers; they were not acting as landlord's agents; the property was 
not landlord's private residence. The doctors' mere act of taking actual 
possession of the meteorite in this case therefore likely gives them first 
finder's rights to it. And even if by some strained reasoning a court would 
find that the "property owner" always has prior constructive possession of 
meteorites found on its property, the tenant, as holder of the possessory 
estate, is the current "property owner" here.

Both law and logic favor the tenants. The doctors were "first in time," both 
through constructive possession, as holder of the possessory estate, and actual 
possession, through capture of the meteorite. Meteorite ownership therefore has 
vested in them, regardless of which possession principle applies.

This is not just the right answer from a moral or public opinion standpoint; it 
is the inescapable legal conclusion as well.
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