Hi Tim and List,

"Please, ladies and gentlemen, don't denigrate
those of us who say we collect for investment"

No hard feelings, no denigration, of course, but I do remember that my passion
for stamps began to wane when I started seeing a monetary value in my stamp
collection. Money was always important when, as a youngster, I had to decide
whether I should buy some new stamps from the money my parents gave me
for our daily school ration of milk, a roll, and a small bar of chocolate. Very
often I opted for the stamps but this was not profit-/business-oriented.

The sole driving force was to acquire some more stamps that I didn't have yet
and marvel at these little "pieces of paper". But when I started considering
them as a means "to make money" ... the passion, the enthusiam was gone.

I don't collect meteorites for investment but for the pure joy of holding a
piece from the depths of the solar system (and beyond) in my hands and study
it (visually and microscopically).

As for investment, most of us will know that collectibles seldom yield the 
value you have invested. When I started selling my stamps "to make money", I 
got about 1/3 (only) of the monetary value indicated for these stamps in 
(here in Germany this was the so-called "Michel Katalog" for those in the know).

Whether NWA 6292 is paired to NWA 5400 or whether it isn't, doesn't really 
me. The thrill (for me) is that at least one of them plots directly on the TFL, 
"run-off-the-mill" brachinites do not.

And, on the TFL or below, NWA or "Brachina", a microscopic look at an 
a lodranite, an angrite, a brachinite, a diogenite thin section (like NWA 6256) 
or a
eucrite thin section like (NWA 1644 or NWA 6309) in cross-polarized light will 
 your socks off - whether you like it or not.



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