Hola larense,

Nice picture you posted!  It really shows clearly in dramatic graphic
form that given a simple longwave UV light (UVA: 400nm-315nm) that a
possibly remarkable and thought provoking image result can be achieved.

I wonder if you've been able to determine the identity of the material in
your picture that glows such a vivid royal blue color?  Diamond can also
produce a similar color under UVLW, as I am sure you are probably aware.

Concerning the pictorial reference to the "Picture of the Day Picture" I
mentioned in my original posting, I am beginning to realize that it may
be the result of "thermoluminescence" heat testing rather than a classic
ultraviolet reaction.

It (The picture of the Day enstatite meteorite) was likely mislabeled as
being an ultraviolet reaction when it was something else, entirely.

A thermoluminesent "glow" and an utraviolet reaction are not the same
thing, seems to me.

I hope someone jumps in and corrects me if my understanding is either
flat-out incorrect or that I may have been sorely misinformed.

Yours for the revolution!

Dave Gunning

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