Greg Catterton, 

I would be very cautious with throwing loose words around "like considering all 
the pairings"
As far as I know NWA 6077 is the only whole stone other than NWA 6292 of which 
is very fragmented that has conclusively been paired through testing and 
subsequent testing to NWA 5400, from what I understand most of the others are 
purely conjecture, or speculative without the extensive testing completed or in 
various stages of testing...
I think our focus should be on the Science and authenticity of claims before 
start making bets and psychic predictions about how much more material is 
to this very special and important meteorite. 

Regardless of what you think, and however hard you try to knock this meteorite 
for TKW, of what may or may not come to fruition, this meteorite is priceless 
Science. I don't understand what the focus on TKW boils down to other than 
monetary value or jealousy, this meteorite truly transcends price. And I think 
the focus should be on the science of what this meteorite can teach us about 
past. And possibly give us clues to the future. NWA 6077 is a Meteorite that 
most likely come from the mantle of a planet, which one? The Oxygen Isotope 
results suggest one like our own planet Earth. Even if there are 10kg or more, 
this meteorite is from the mantle of a planet that is similar to our own and 
comes from a place in time that does not exist anymore. I hope we can, as a 
community become more productive with our time and focus on figuring out what 
the meteorite parent body is and what the conditions are that existed when it 
materialized. I suggest we shift the emphasis to the scientific study rather 
than putting such a great focus on prematurely rushing TKW statistics, that can 
only be revealed only after many more years of scientific studies.

John Higgins
IMCA# 9822

----- Original Message ----
From: Greg Catterton <>
To:; John higgins <>
Sent: Tue, October 5, 2010 12:01:35 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Official Announcement NWA 6077 is Paired with NWA 

Its great that there is such a nice amount of this material when considering 
the pairings... With over 10kg of this material in pairings known so far, I am 
willing to bet there is likely a good amount more still.
I bet the Brachinties are coming out of the woodwork to be tested.

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Tue, 10/5/10, John higgins <> wrote:

> From: John higgins <>
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Official Announcement NWA 6077 is Paired with NWA 
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 9:26 AM
> Official Announcement
> North West Africa 6077 Description:
> An olivine-rich assemblage with cumulate (or possibly
> metamorphic) texture 
> exhibiting triple junction grain boundaries. Olivine
> (Fa30.2-30.7), 
> orthopyroxene (Fs24.1-24.5Wo2.1-2.0), clinopyroxene
> (Fs9.4-10.0Wo44.0-43.5), 
> altered kamacite, chromite, chlorapatite, Ni-bearing
> troilite and/or pyrrhotite. 
> No plagioclase was found. Analysis conducted at the
> Carnegie Institution of 
> Washington show that the oxygen isotopic composition of
> this specimen plots on 
> the Terrestrial Fractionation Line. In conjunction with the
> mineral compositions 
> and texture, this establishes that NWA 6077 is paired with
> NWA 5400.
> The averages of the two Oxygen Isotope Results are: 
> d17O = 2.780, d18O = 5.358, D17O = -0.019 (all in per mil)
> This brachinite was recovered out of Morocco in 2008 as
> one whole stone and 
> purchased by John Higgins. It was submitted for
> classification to Dr. Tony 
> Irving and was given the provisional classification number
> of NWA 6077. This 
> meteorite has a modest TKW of less than 1000g after the
> type specimen was 
> removed.
> Personal Notes: Although I suspected that the two were
> possibly paired due to 
> similarities in visual observations and classification
> compositions, I felt it 
> was important to wait for secondary Oxygen Isotope results
> to come in which have 
> recently confirmed the results beyond a reasonable doubt.
> There was also another 
> important factor besides Oxygen Isotope testing that had
> to be taken into 
> account. Orthopyroxene which is present in NWA 5400 was
> missed the first time 
> around in NWA 6077 because it looks identical to
> clinopyroxene in back-scattered 
> electron images. However further in-depth
> microprobe studies of the thin section 
> have confirmed the presence of orthopyroxene, and are
> now noted in the updated 
> description. I feel that making a self pairing based upon
> my own 
> visual observations, is not only unethical, inappropriate,
> and akin to pirating, 
> but would only feed the controversies regarding this
> meteorite without the 
> scientific testing data to back up such speculation, such
> action would be 
> premature, immoral and unfair to Greg Hupe and NWA 5400
> after all the time and 
> effort he put into the study of what has become one of the
> most important 
> meteorite finds in history.
> Have a Great Day!
> John Higgins
> IMCA#9822
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