Hi Graham UK,

The last time I looked there was no check-list of attributes defining
what it means to be a "professional" meteorite dealer.

The more I learn about the IMCA, and how it presents itself as a quasi
enforcer of honest meteorite dealings between it's membership and the 
meteorite collecting community, at large, the more I like what I see.

That is not to say, however, that I would want to subscribe to it's
tenets of extreme trust that it's membership, you included, appears to
crow about in place of solid verifiable scientific mineralogical evidence
when purchasing meteorites, where and whenever possible.

One of the difficulties, seems to me, is that the scientists, generally
speaking, are too deeply insulated from having to address the questions
and concerns of us mere ordinary mortals, non IMCA members.
Professionalism, at it's best, means addressing those devilish details
that don't always quite square-up, in my view.  Science, at it's best,
should be verifiable and evidence based for even us ordinary mere
mortals, don't you suppose?

Verifiably yours,

Dave Gunning

> Hi Dave,
> I think you will find in time that many of the most "professional"
> meteorite dealers as you call them do not have to sell themselves hard
> on the list or to individuals as they have built up their reputations
> over many years and do not need to. There are many who deal
> "professionally" too but have other main professions not related to
> meteorites. Very few in the world hunt and deal full time and many
> many excellent dealers are part time....many only use the list very
> occasionally.
> You may well have been contacted by 6 "professional" dealers but I
> would take my time. Look around and study carefully what is on offer
> that fits your needs from a wider field. Compare prices, quality and
> check out the archives. It takes a while I have found.
> I find the vast majority of people on the list are very "professional"
> as collectors, scientists or dealers and as such any one of them may
> be willing to help you out if you have a specific item you are after.
> Regards
> Graham UK IMCA#1835
> On 8 October 2010 22:50, David Gunning <davidgunn...@fairpoint.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> After an initial responsive surge of 6 "professional" meteorite dealers
>> to my ad seeking same, the surge has, apparently, subsided. Dried-up.
>> Gone kaput.  So, lemme see, out of a total list membership of, what,
>> 950,
>> or so, members, and with six acknowledged professional meteorite
>> dealers,
>> (and other celestial objects dealers) amongst your ranks, that would be
>> a
>> ratio of 950 to 6 for an estimated percentage value of less that 1%
>> total
>> of professional dealers who view themselves as such and are willing to
>> allow themselves as being such on the list.
>> Wow, there sure must be alot of collectors and scientists on the list.
>> How cool is that?
>> Thanks, Chummies!
>> Dave Gunning
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