On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 15:14:05 -0700, you wrote:

>So, I made myself a pair from wire clothes hanger, 
>following Warren's instructions  and went out to my 
>side yard. My front and back yard are compeltely cemented 
>over. I made it out about 3 feet and the rods crossed over. 
>WTH!! I doubled back and they crossed over at the same spot! 
>I walked over the entire yard and came back at the same 
>spot. Yep, they crossed over! I can't wait till my sons 
>come home so they repeat this experiment. 

To have a truly objective test, I'd propose the construction of some sort of rig
that holds rods (which are precisely straight and bent to exactly 90 degrees)
exactactly perpendicular to the surface, then moved at a slow, steady, speed in
a precisely level track.  Some sort of powered, rolling device with good shock
absorbers, or something machine-guided across level, tight wires.  In other
words, a setup that precludes any twitches, movements out of level, changes in
accelration, or any other subconcious factors that would cause a low-friction
system to move and can't be eliminated by a human holding it.  A "real"
experiment attempts to eliminate all variables execpt for the one variable being
tested for-- in this case, testing for movement caused by buried objects and NOT
by movement on the part of the person (or machine) holding the rods.
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