Same principle as lie detectors. Worthless for detecting lies, excellent for getting perps to confess.

Phil Whitmer

If the devices seem to work for the Iraqi's, I can propose
a simpler explanation for why the worthless wands do
anything at all.

What they do is make those with good reason to not
want to be stopped and especially not to be searched
nervous, because even the best-educated terrorist
probably believes in these impressing-looking but
worthless Gizmo's.

And there is no cop in the world that can't "smell" a
nervous perp. Even the worst cop can do that. Even
if you're only nervous because you're in the hands of
a bad cop. So the device has a "high rate" of detections
which will include among the many false positives,
most if not all of the true positives.

So, yeah... it actually works. Dum cops and dummer
terrorists make twitchier suspects and better detection.

What a racket!

I wish I'd thought of it...

Lesee, 1500 ADE-651's at $16,500 each (in bulk) is
$25,000,000. $50,000 to have the Gizmo made in
China and shipped. Pay off the Ministry of Internal
Security in Bagdad for the contract... How much
does that come to?

Ain't Free Enterprise great!

Sterling K. Webb (with thanks to William of Occam)
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